Monday, April 27, 2015

No learning curves ahead.

While working on my bachelor's degree years ago I took an introductory course in psychology. Of course it was a requirement to graduate but the course seemed interesting enough. The professor was actually a clinical psychologist that specialized in behavior modification for patients with schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, and severe anxiety. She dabbled a little in learning disabilities in adults as well. Ok. The one item I learned and took away from the course is that a person can learn something (making it rote) simply by "touching" it 7 times. You hear it, you see it, you read it, you write it, read it, and hear it again. This actually helped me the rest of my educational career. I created a learning and study routine that enabled me to essentially memorize the information being taught to me using this formula. Of course I forgot most of what I learned back then and honestly couldn't recite the preamble of our constitution or tell you what all ten of the Bill of Rights are now but when I needed to know it, I did.

Where is this going, you ask? Huck said something to me the other day about changing old habits and replacing them with new. I think it was you have to do the new habit 21 times in order for it to become a habit. My new habit is remembering to shut the bathroom door when I am done using it. This is Huck's request and not something I do consistently since he isn't here most days so it's been hard. I do remember to do it before I leave the house or go to bed. I don't always remember to do it while I am home. Why am I trying to change this habit of leaving the bathroom door open? My dog Sunshine is a garbage picker and my other dog Annie eats whatever is taken out of said garbage. 

Sunshine will root out the discarded cardboard tube from toilet paper. Annie eats this whole. Sunshine will sniff out and shred paper items whether it be tissue, toilet paper, or old receipts. Annie then eats the soggy wads left behind. Sunshine sucks the used cotton off Q-tips. Annie eats the sticks the cotton end used to be stuck to. Sunshine pulls out each individual cotton pad I use to remove my make up and leaves them scattered around. Annie sucks them up like marshmallows. There isn't a used fabric softener sheet, cotton ball, Q-tip, paper item of any kind, dental floss, hair pulled out of a brush, or toilet paper tube in this house that is safe from Sunshine's destruction or Annie's insatiable hoover-ish appetite. So I'm in training to close the bathroom door. This has been fun. I lapse from time to time and that's ok. I can't beat myself up every time I forget to shut the bathroom door. Adjust and move forward, right? Learning takes time. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The answer to life, the universe and everything...

Says Ethel.
I've always been of the mind set, "If it doesn't fit, don't force it." This can apply to a multitude of things and situations. Like skinny jeans. Yeah, don't force them on if they aren't going easily over your ass. Strappy sandals. While they may be cute with your new summer dress if your pinkie toe is riding outside the confines of the straps and looking like a talon, you're doing it wrong. Tight t-shirts. If you have Ethel Rolls, just don't. If you are wondering, Ethel Roll is that roll of chub that sits over my belly button and from time to time struggles for freedom and begs for chocolate cake and wine. And bread. Oh, pasta. Yeah. Pasta.

You get the point. 
Sometimes the universe will put us in a situation (especially if we asked for it and are ready to receive it) we are forced to make decisions that will be life changing or altering. Usually a positive experience but sometimes not so positive. Sometimes these situations in life are microscopic instances or occasions that barely register on the blip-o-meter whether we decide for or against. Whether you are trying to decide if that chocolate chip cookie at midnight is a good idea or working on something more pressing like what kind of car to buy, we have to take the emotion out of the equation.

The larger decisions and circumstances that involve others in your life are the most difficult to remove the emotion. Someone is bound to be disappointed or brokenhearted at some point especially when it's a not so positive situation. Recently we, Huck and I, were faced with a situation requiring a decision on a very positive event that could have gone two ways. This is where the whole "don't force it" cliche comes to play. Let me tell you how relieved I was we were of the same mindset with this one. I knew we were very closely tuned but this situation just proved we think a lot alike in these situations. Ok, I'm not sure if I should be scared or relieved now that I think of it - about the thinking the same thing. It's just uncanny how we can come to a separate conclusions about the same situation separately (if that makes sense) and we react the same when the situation concludes. Don't get me wrong, I was a bit stressed waiting but when the answer came I knew what to do. He did as well. The 'what to do' was the same for both of us. Dust off our britches and keep on moving forward. We can't force something to happen that isn't meant to be. And we are fine with that outcome. Moving on.

No need to don your imminent peril sunglasses or keep track of your towel or feed your babelfish. Life is about everything fitting without being forced. The universe will provide us with our most heartfelt desires if it will fit. If what you think you most desire doesn't come to fruition it's probably because the universe is preparing you for something better. Bigger. More meaningful. And equal to 42.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

A valid questionnaire.

1. You have ten dollars and need to buy snacks at a gas station, what do you buy?
Diet Coke, Funyons and spicy Slim Jim's

2. If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you want to be?
A mermaid so I could still walk on land during the full moon.

3. Who is your favorite redhead?
Has to be Jessica Rabbit...she's not bad she's just drawn that way.

4. What do you order when you are at IHOP?
The omelet with hash browns in it

5. Last book you read?
Last book I finished reading is, "First Phone Call from Heaven" by Mitch Albom.

6. Describe your mood.
I'm in a fabulous mood right this moment

7. Describe the last time you were injured:
When I stole the recycle cart from one of my neighbors and broke my toe nail trying to hide it. I didn't intend to steal it. I swear.

8. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with?
Of all of my friends I have to say Lulu would be the best company but she might hate me if I wished this fate on her. 

9. Rock concert or symphony?
How about a rock symphony?

10. What is the wallpaper of your cell phone?
Roses from my Huck.

11. Favorite soda:
Today it's Coca-cola Cherry Zero

12. What type of shirt are you wearing?
A t-shirt from Colorado

13. If you could only use one form of transportation:
A magic carpet would be great

14. Most recent movie you have watched in theaters?
Live action Cinderella. It was wonderful!

15. Name an actor/actress/singer you have had the hots for:
There have been so many...Chris Hemsworth and Henry Kavil are my faves lately.

16. What is your favorite kind of cake?
Dennis the Menace cake...yellow cake with chocolate fudge frosting

17. What did you have for dinner last night?
Some pasta and marinara.

18. Look to your left, what do you see?
Out the window at the roof of a lower building.

19. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Nope but then I dont' wear shoes that require laces either.

20. Favorite toy as a child?
I used to have this stuffed seal I called Felicia

21. Do you buy your own groceries?
If I want to eat.

22. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
Of course they do! They talk about how darn fabulous I am :)

23. When’s the last time you had gummy worms?
About a year ago when I got some at the candy shop before a movie.

24. What's your favorite fruit?
I love most all fruit but always have apples around.

25. Do you have a picture of yourself doing a cartwheel?
Ya know...I do actually. It's in an old album at the Lady's house

26. Do you like running long distances?
Fuck no. I don't even like running short distances.

27. Have you ever eaten snow?
Yup and tried catching snow flakes on my tongue

28. What color are your bedsheets?
I put the dark brown ones on today.

29. What's your favorite flower?
daisies they are such happy flowers

30. Do you do ballet?
Never have. I have no balance to do any of that nonsense.

31. Do you listen to classical music?
once in a while

32. What is the first TV theme song that pops in your head?
Big Bang Theory theme song

33. Do you watch Sponge Bob?
I used to when the Punk was little.

34. What temperature is it outside right now?
Hot and muggy I am sure

35. Do people consider you smart?
I've been told I'm a blind squirrel.

36. How many piercings do you have?
4 my ears

37. Are you signed on AIM?
When was the last time anyone used that crap?

38. Have you ever tried gluing your fingers together?
Never on purpose

39. How do you feel about your family?
I love the dysfunctional bunch.

40. Do you have an iPod?
Nope. Used to have an iPhone.

41. What time do you go to bed?
When I am tired. Usually about midnight.

42. What CD is currently in your CD player?
In the car it's Awesome Mix No.1

43. What movie do you know every line to?
I don't.

44. What is your favorite salad dressing?
Blue Cheese

45. What did you get for Christmas this year?
It was a Hawaiian Christmas and loved every bit of it.

46. What family member/friend lives the farthest from you?
I have family in Cali.

47. Do you like hugs?
I love warm hugs

48. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
hmmm today when he text me he slept late

49. What is the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name?
My mom can't say my name. The r's sound like L's

50. last person you hugged?

My massage therapist this morning

Have you ever kissed somebody who's name started with J?
Yeah actually, my first kiss was with a boy named Jason.

Do you use smiley's on the computer a lot?
Probably more than I should be using them.

Did you sing at all today?
as a matter of fact I did along with the radio

Do you like orange juice?
Only when I can have it on the rocks

What's the first thing you did when you woke up this morning?
turned off my alarm and said "fuck" then played the snooze game for 30 more minutes

What was the last thing you bought?
A bday gift for Lulu

You have a crazy side?
Crazy as in psycho? no.

Do you wish someone was with you right now?

Would you rather it be sunny or rainy ?
depends on what I am doing

When was the last time you talked to your number 1?
my number 1 what?

How do you feel right now?
Relaxed. I'm sore a little. My throat hurts.

What do you want for your birthday?
Hugs and kisses

What do you currently hear?
The TV - NCIS is on. My nails clicking on the keyboard...

Do you like getting big hugs?
Yes, I love warm hugs.

Who did you last talk to on the phone?

How did last night go?
It was quiet. Got my chores done.

Is there someone who doesn't like you because of something you didn't do?
I am sure some where along the way someone blames me for something I am not privy to.

How much money is in your wallet?
I may have a few dollar bills.

Have you ever been punched in the face?
Yes and I beat the crap out of him the stupid head.

Ever been on a motorcycle?
Many moons ago and loved it

Did you shower today?
Gonna when I am done with this task. I still don't know what possessed me to do it.

Are you closer with your mom or dad?
I was closest to Daddy when he was still here. Now it's the Lady by default. I'm not her favorite.

Do you believe once a cheater always a cheater?
I do for the most part. Once that trust has been breached it's very difficult to get it back.

Do you like to travel?
Yes! Where are we going?

What is your favorite kind of food?
I don't like liver

Can you cook?
Yes I can. Never trust a skinny cook ya know.