Sunday, November 13, 2016

Facts, opinions, and a confession...

The framers of our Constitution did not trust direct democracy. The reason we have an electoral college is to avoid factions and majority rule. What would happen if the popular vote was the system in place for our presidential election? Tyranny. Tyranny of the majority is what would happen. (Have you ever seen the movie, V for Vendetta?) A tyrannous government would violate the inalienable rights of the minority in order to further the interests of the majority. An electoral college keeps this from happening. We have never been a pure democracy, nor will we ever because the USA is a Democratic-Republic. 

***EDIT UPDATE ADDED 11/14/2016***
I realize now I must qualify my statements about factions and tyranny of the majority to show I'm not just talking out of my ass and bullshitting my readers...please look up Federalist No. 10 written by James Madison. When you're a Poli-Sci major it is easy to forget others did not study constitutional law as in depth as I have. My logic is always based on historical fact and writing, not just grabbed out of the clear blue sky on a whim and fancy. 

Our election in 2000 proves that it is entirely possible for the winning candidate to lose the popular vote yet still win the seat in the Oval Office. The way states apportion electors is how a candidate can lose the popular vote and win the election.  How does this work? Our Electorate is a group of people loyal to their party. It is very rare for an electorate to be faithless (voting for the other ticket) and it will be largely unlikely the electoral college will ever be removed. We have 48 states that award "winner take all" in the electoral college. Side note, the states can apportion their electors how they see fit. It is not a federal law or mandate. Anywho, the point for the electoral college, in the end, is to preserve the sense of the people as a whole and not allow one group or faction to overrun the needs of the remaining constituents. Here's an official link for those of you who wish to understand the electoral college further: What is the Electoral College

I don't even know where to begin on the topic of our election. While I wholeheartedly believe we should always take emotion and feelings out of any situation that calls for logic and common sense, I am saddened to witness the attitudes and divisiveness of the folks who abhor the winning candidate. How they apply his characteristics to the whole of the population that voted for him is reprehensible. Instead of acting as grown men and women and conceding to the political system in place (Republican voters did this for Obama twice mind you and God forbid we spoke against him - we were racist if we did) since the beginning of our nation, they have taken to the streets to protest a man that has been elected our president inciting violence and hatred. These protesters are asking for bodies to prove their point. These tactics are synonymous to the harsh words used by the man you hate so vehemently. Those of you lumping all Trump voters as racist, sexist, misogynistic bigots, are in whole, total hypocrites and are creating more divisiveness. Can you not see this? I have several friends that have been doing exactly this - lumping trump voters together as one collective instead of trying to understand why. Instead we have a cupcake nation (borrowed phrase) of dissenters trying to usurp a representative democratic republic they do not understand.

As evident to results of the election, Trump voters were mainly silent - the closet voters. We were not able to openly discuss our thoughts and why we chose Trump because we were not allowed to go against whom they felt was a better candidate, I am one of the aforementioned closet voters (not a surprise to many) and I will explain why. I could not speak freely about my beliefs with logic and common sense because I was criticized immediately for supporting the idea of Trump as president. Everyone felt because I am a white, educated female of Hispanic and Asian decent I'm supposed to run with the liberal crowd. I have been the recipient of hate language and bullying due to the fact I resemble my Latin and Asian roots with dark curly hair, slanted eyes, and high cheekbones. I have to tell you all, I have been the recipient of hate language and bullying due to the color of my skin. Talk about growing up confused! I could not understand why people hated me so much solely based on how I looked. I still feel the silent majority in the Trump win speaks volumes though. Here's why; We, the silent Trump voters, saw an opportunity to no longer be marginalized by the establishment. We used our voting right to choose a person we felt will address our concerns most. We overlooked words and personality to opt for more employment opportunities, lower taxes, and a better health care system. Policies that mattered to us as a whole. We wanted a hard working champion that didn't have any special interests or favors to pay. We wanted an unencumbered President representing the needs we have expressed over and over but largely went unanswered for the past 8 years. 

Yes, I took in to consideration the implications of choosing a candidate that seemed to be outwardly racist (though I never saw any evidence of such) and how it may effect the rest of the true racists and bigots out there - as in them feeling like they can now act out with presidential approval. Assholes will always be assholes folks. We've had hate/race crimes happening for a very long time y'all. I don't believe Trump will make it any worse than it already is (based on feelings instead of facts for this point) and I firmly believe the hate has only grown exponentially under the Obama administration. I chose to overlook the media's rabid purported claims of sexual aggression and overtures. Listen, I've been the object of unwanted attention from men since I grew tits at the age of 12. I am not innocent to any sexual advance (verbal or physical) that I was not able to fend off. I hold on the thought that bragging does not equate doing. And if he did actually grab any woman by the P, I hope she kneed him in the nuts and gave him a fat lip. It's what I've done in the same situation. YES, women get attacked in this manner all the time and no, we don't always tattle on our assaulter because, why? For the sake of ousting your attacker that will not be punished for being a jerk? Unless of course you were paid by the Democratic National Committee to turn the table on a candidate that you want to sink for your own selfish needs. Like winning a presidency?

So, to my friends that put all Trump supporters (which includes me) in one lump group of racist, sexist, misogynistic bigots - what are you bringing to the table? I guess I am a deplorable human being. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

Rude, crude, and socially the eff what?!

I have a great number of friends that will not be happy with this post. I also know that this will invite many to unfriend me or un-follow me. A few of my friends outside of Facebook may even stop being my friend all together. Shoot, I may even lose the respect of my family. The purpose of my post is not to sway your opinion about your choice for presidency. I respect your opinions and do not devalue you in any way because we do not agree on who should be sitting in the Oval Office. I only ask you to please respect me and my opinion in kind. I will never call you stupid or idiot for your beliefs so if you think I am stupid or an idiot just keep it to yourself. My rant begins with...drum roll please...Hillary Clinton does NOT deserve to be our next Commander in Chief.

My female intuition kicks in and whoa.

Trump is a better choice. Yep, said it. With six degrees of separation I hear Trump is a cock with a capital C. While I do not know him personally and only seeing his mannerisms on TV, I have to agree. He's probably the biggest prick known to mankind. He's chauvinistic, egotistical, and likely lacks the social skills required keep friends. So he allegedly treats women poorly. I don't care. We've all seen his tweets and interviews and know he can't be that dumb, can he? He chooses to bully and speak nonsense. This is before actually thinking out the outcome and opening his pie hole. His ridiculous hair and spray tan face make us believe he's an imbecile of the umpteenth power. The ridiculous claims of being a great businessman and building a wall Mexico will fund creates a great amount of comic fodder for other countries to laugh tears. Rivers. 

These are all the reasons Trump is a better candidate for President. He's not a politician. He's a businessman. He has no earthly clue how to conduct himself as a politician. He's true to himself and the people supporting him. This makes him seem clumsy. I firmly believe he will fight for our country in no way any self serving politician will. His interests lie in ensuring our collective safety and prosperity. Probably his own interests too but I am not bothered by it. He is not a mollycoddle. He will not cater to the career politicians sitting on the Hill, the ones there for way too many years. He will choose the best upholders of the Constitution. He will not allow an other country, especially the ones that don't respect us yet rely on our money, to back-bite and undermine our patriotism. So what if he treats women poorly. C'mon ladies. Y'all want equal treatment and equal pay to men? Stop your whining and work for it. Sorry, that's a different topic.

My intuition tells me that Hillary is all wrong for this role. I never liked her. Not even as far back as when she was on the campaign trail with her husband. The facts aside, her feigned contrite delivery of words just turns my stomach. I know as a woman I am supposed to be building up other women so we are a stronger unit but, sheesh, I'm nauseated by the thought. 

At this point Trump hasn't won my vote but he has helped me understand why Hillary is a sham.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

A prelude in an election year and other news...I'm in a ranting mood.


As a general rule I don't spout off on politically charged tirades on a normal day or regular basis. I do not feel my opinion is anyone's business. Having a political opinion is like having a penis. It's great you have one and are proud of it but please, do not try to shove it down my throat. Once in a while I may read something or hear something that makes me tip my head sideways like a confused puppy but I move past the painful affront leaving the profane delusional fucknut to flail in the wind alone. When we, our great nation, enters in to a presidential election year it seems the political crazies come out. And boy does it make me cringe.

I rarely tell anyone this (because it's no one's business) but I consider myself a moderate with conservative leanings and I'll explain why. First of all I earned my undergraduate degree in Political Science. I concentrated my studies on the US Constitution. I did deep and meaningful research surrounding the creation and implementation of our constitution. I have dissected and pondered historical writings for the reasoning behind the movement for more or less government. My moral and religious upbringing led me to the right side of the spectrum as well. I am also an Army brat raised in a conservative household so there is some validity to upbringing. Now, there are firm conservative beliefs that I do not adopt as my own and why I consider myself a moderate. For instance, I believe that life begins at conception but I also believe it's a woman's right to choose if she will foster that life to birth. Pregnancy, from rape or incest or if a health matter becomes dangerous, by all means it must be a woman's choice to end. Sometimes the choice is a necessary part of life. In all matters, a woman must be able to choose what to do. I do not however feel a woman should use abortion as a means of birth control. Please use a contraceptive or sterilize yourself for crying out loud if you don't want to be a mother. Don't force society to support your poor decisions. And there is that conservative side rearing her head.  

Long story short - if you plan to voice your political opinion please make sure you know what you are talking about first. If you don't understand your rights do a little research then talk about it as a learning experience not as an attack on others because your ideas don't match the ideas of those around you.

I do not have a favorite in the presidential primary by the way, on either side.


Something happened today on social media that really had me scratching my head. A "friend" on Facebook posted:

Ok, let's just say this instantly pissed me off. The way I read this and understood the words of what was stated here tells me the poster feels that people who have pets and treat them as children are wrong and they shouldn't get mad if someone points that out. That pets cannot be our "children" simply because they are animals. I have been blessed with the joy of raising a human child to adulthood. But there are people out there that will never know that blessing and joy and to fill that void they have dogs and cats (or exotic birds, or monkeys, or whatever). They treat there pets as children and refer to them as fur-babies or fur-kids. The post was subsequently removed when I personally called them out publicly saying it was pretty insensitive and unnecessary. I was accused of name calling. Whatever. Of course the poster also had to privately qualify their opinion. Seriously? You know what you did. You know very well what you said. Don't try to make it better by saying it's not what you meant. Pfft.