Recently, I found myself in a situation where I made a mistake. It doesn't matter how big or small the mistake was, it was a mistake. I hid the truth from someone to avoid a confrontation. Call it a lie, an omission of facts, whatever. It was a mistake. I still feel my reason behind hiding the truth is legitimate and doing what I did really had nothing to do with what I was hoping to accomplish or directly related anyway. Yes I am trying to reason my reason. Human nature. Alas, this person took it as a personal assault and felt I was out to get them, throw them under a bus, de-legitimize, or discredit them in some way. No. That is not what I was doing contrary to what they may think and no, it never happened this whole throw them under a bus, de-legitimize, or discredit them thing.
The important thing here is I realized my error and apologized. Sincerely. I acknowledged what I did and how I realized it was wrong of me and said I was sorry. And I still mean it with sincerity. It was not my intention to hurt this person, ever. We shared many great times in and out of work over the past few years and I didn't want to lose that over a mistake. I hoped this person would come around and engage in adult conversation again soon to get us past this speed hump.
I was and still am sincere in my apology. I know this person well enough though to expect it would be a while before we would speak again. Out of respect and loyalty to this person I gave them space and time to process their anger as any caring and loyal friend would do. I'm a firm believer of giving space to sort things out. It's how I'd want to be treated in this same situation. Imagine my surprise and how glad I was when this person liked a bunch of my posts a few days after the incident. They even sent me a nice "Happy 4th" text message to which I replied! I was hoping this was going to reopen dialogue. I was missing our friendship but still kept my distance out of respect. I didn't want to act as though nothing had happened or make them feel like I'm forcing myself back on them. For some reason though things turned south a day or two later. I am not even sure what happened or why.

But wait! After all this it hit me! While my mistake was the catalyst for this behavior this is not about me! Not about me at all!
This person has spent their entire life playing victim to their own circumstances. This story is no longer about how or why I hid the truth. This story shines a spotlight on how this person is unable to be a true friend through good and bad because they don't know true happiness. It's so sad. Conflict makes this person uncomfortable and wants nothing to do with it. Like it's a shameful act or something to deal with conflict. I know how to avoid conflict with me! Just throw me away and get a new friend or recycle an old one. Yep. I said it.
Show of hands, how many of you had serious fights with your friends over the years but work through it? You put it aside because the good times together outweigh the slights dealt each other over the years. You bond on common ground and you're heart breaks for them when they are going through tough times. I have life long friends I trust to forgive me for any transgression infinitely larger than the one I dealt this person. I love them and they love me. I am not saying there are unforgivable acts that can't be forgiven. I'm just saying we are all human and we all make mistakes. When you care enough about someone and the friendship you have, and you are a grown ass adult, you try to find an understanding instead of just kicking them to the curb with out the courtesy of a Fuck You.
Show of hands, how many of you had serious fights with your friends over the years but work through it? You put it aside because the good times together outweigh the slights dealt each other over the years. You bond on common ground and you're heart breaks for them when they are going through tough times. I have life long friends I trust to forgive me for any transgression infinitely larger than the one I dealt this person. I love them and they love me. I am not saying there are unforgivable acts that can't be forgiven. I'm just saying we are all human and we all make mistakes. When you care enough about someone and the friendship you have, and you are a grown ass adult, you try to find an understanding instead of just kicking them to the curb with out the courtesy of a Fuck You.
Anywho, this story is about a person that claims loyalty to all friends but has no idea what true loyal friendship is. You don't publicly defame people you care about and are loyal to over a misunderstanding. You don't talk about them behind their back like they never matter to you. No, you just don't do that to people you care about. I didn't do it to you.
Life is short and there is no time to waste on hateful, negative people. It's just a harsh reality y'all. Lesson learned.