Friday, July 8, 2016

Rude, crude, and socially the eff what?!

I have a great number of friends that will not be happy with this post. I also know that this will invite many to unfriend me or un-follow me. A few of my friends outside of Facebook may even stop being my friend all together. Shoot, I may even lose the respect of my family. The purpose of my post is not to sway your opinion about your choice for presidency. I respect your opinions and do not devalue you in any way because we do not agree on who should be sitting in the Oval Office. I only ask you to please respect me and my opinion in kind. I will never call you stupid or idiot for your beliefs so if you think I am stupid or an idiot just keep it to yourself. My rant begins with...drum roll please...Hillary Clinton does NOT deserve to be our next Commander in Chief.

My female intuition kicks in and whoa.

Trump is a better choice. Yep, said it. With six degrees of separation I hear Trump is a cock with a capital C. While I do not know him personally and only seeing his mannerisms on TV, I have to agree. He's probably the biggest prick known to mankind. He's chauvinistic, egotistical, and likely lacks the social skills required keep friends. So he allegedly treats women poorly. I don't care. We've all seen his tweets and interviews and know he can't be that dumb, can he? He chooses to bully and speak nonsense. This is before actually thinking out the outcome and opening his pie hole. His ridiculous hair and spray tan face make us believe he's an imbecile of the umpteenth power. The ridiculous claims of being a great businessman and building a wall Mexico will fund creates a great amount of comic fodder for other countries to laugh tears. Rivers. 

These are all the reasons Trump is a better candidate for President. He's not a politician. He's a businessman. He has no earthly clue how to conduct himself as a politician. He's true to himself and the people supporting him. This makes him seem clumsy. I firmly believe he will fight for our country in no way any self serving politician will. His interests lie in ensuring our collective safety and prosperity. Probably his own interests too but I am not bothered by it. He is not a mollycoddle. He will not cater to the career politicians sitting on the Hill, the ones there for way too many years. He will choose the best upholders of the Constitution. He will not allow an other country, especially the ones that don't respect us yet rely on our money, to back-bite and undermine our patriotism. So what if he treats women poorly. C'mon ladies. Y'all want equal treatment and equal pay to men? Stop your whining and work for it. Sorry, that's a different topic.

My intuition tells me that Hillary is all wrong for this role. I never liked her. Not even as far back as when she was on the campaign trail with her husband. The facts aside, her feigned contrite delivery of words just turns my stomach. I know as a woman I am supposed to be building up other women so we are a stronger unit but, sheesh, I'm nauseated by the thought. 

At this point Trump hasn't won my vote but he has helped me understand why Hillary is a sham.