"What is the harm with going to the bathroom and taking a dump while your mate is in the shower?"

How do you suppose she trained me to go in a toilet? The lady placed my potty chair in the middle of the house. This position allowed her to see me on the potty from any room at any time. Over the course of a few weeks I was made to run the house naked from the waist down except for socks. No diapers, undies, pants - nothing but bare ass. But I had to wear socks on my feet. What the hec was that about? Hmmm...this may be why I can't stand my feet confined in shoes or socks. Anywho, I digress. I would be allowed to run free through the house sans pants for a short while only to be forced to sit on the potty until I "went." I could not get up until I did something in that darned potty. When I finally did something I was once again allowed to run the house butt ass naked for a short time before I was made to return to my seat.
As I grew older my bathroom habits became more modest. I think after a poop mishap at the age of six involving my brother's desperation for a toilet, which had to be the one I was using (with three other bathrooms in the house), made me realize I didn't like company while I was using the toilet. Nope. I do not. So to this day I don't care if anyone wants to be in the bathroom with me while I brush my teeth, fix my hair, paint my face, shower, or the other dozen things I do in the bathroom. The only time I DO NOT want anyone in the bathroom with me is while I have a bare bottom on the porcelain. Respect the message of the door. A cracked door means you can come in. The message of a shut bathroom door means I'm occupied. Don't even talk to me through the door. Unless you are bleeding or the house is on fire, do not disturb. I think the lady's insistence I do my business in the middle of the house with all eyes on me has ruined me. To this day I am not able to potty unless I have a potty behind a closed door. I cannot camp because I cannot squat to pee, let alone number two. OMG all that openness! And all eyes on my performance! I can't even bring myself to tinkle in the ocean. It's that bad. The lady has done a fine job screwing me up about my bathroom habits. The lady ruined me by the age of one. Go mom!

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