Thursday, February 11, 2016

A prelude in an election year and other news...I'm in a ranting mood.


As a general rule I don't spout off on politically charged tirades on a normal day or regular basis. I do not feel my opinion is anyone's business. Having a political opinion is like having a penis. It's great you have one and are proud of it but please, do not try to shove it down my throat. Once in a while I may read something or hear something that makes me tip my head sideways like a confused puppy but I move past the painful affront leaving the profane delusional fucknut to flail in the wind alone. When we, our great nation, enters in to a presidential election year it seems the political crazies come out. And boy does it make me cringe.

I rarely tell anyone this (because it's no one's business) but I consider myself a moderate with conservative leanings and I'll explain why. First of all I earned my undergraduate degree in Political Science. I concentrated my studies on the US Constitution. I did deep and meaningful research surrounding the creation and implementation of our constitution. I have dissected and pondered historical writings for the reasoning behind the movement for more or less government. My moral and religious upbringing led me to the right side of the spectrum as well. I am also an Army brat raised in a conservative household so there is some validity to upbringing. Now, there are firm conservative beliefs that I do not adopt as my own and why I consider myself a moderate. For instance, I believe that life begins at conception but I also believe it's a woman's right to choose if she will foster that life to birth. Pregnancy, from rape or incest or if a health matter becomes dangerous, by all means it must be a woman's choice to end. Sometimes the choice is a necessary part of life. In all matters, a woman must be able to choose what to do. I do not however feel a woman should use abortion as a means of birth control. Please use a contraceptive or sterilize yourself for crying out loud if you don't want to be a mother. Don't force society to support your poor decisions. And there is that conservative side rearing her head.  

Long story short - if you plan to voice your political opinion please make sure you know what you are talking about first. If you don't understand your rights do a little research then talk about it as a learning experience not as an attack on others because your ideas don't match the ideas of those around you.

I do not have a favorite in the presidential primary by the way, on either side.


Something happened today on social media that really had me scratching my head. A "friend" on Facebook posted:

Ok, let's just say this instantly pissed me off. The way I read this and understood the words of what was stated here tells me the poster feels that people who have pets and treat them as children are wrong and they shouldn't get mad if someone points that out. That pets cannot be our "children" simply because they are animals. I have been blessed with the joy of raising a human child to adulthood. But there are people out there that will never know that blessing and joy and to fill that void they have dogs and cats (or exotic birds, or monkeys, or whatever). They treat there pets as children and refer to them as fur-babies or fur-kids. The post was subsequently removed when I personally called them out publicly saying it was pretty insensitive and unnecessary. I was accused of name calling. Whatever. Of course the poster also had to privately qualify their opinion. Seriously? You know what you did. You know very well what you said. Don't try to make it better by saying it's not what you meant. Pfft.

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