Thursday, May 31, 2018

Knock, knock, knockin' on 50's door....

I have learned so much about nutrition and the metabolic process in the past two months. I didn't even realize, at first, my new healthy eating habits have a name. I was more about not eating sugar, grains, and starchy vegetables. I am all about the low carb life because flour and sugar is not food! It worked for me 8 years ago when I lost 92 pounds and I am resolute it will work for me again. 

After 8 weeks and 5 days this is what I have learned. 

First, I found I inadvertently chose a Ketogenic way of eating. This means I eat low carbs, good fats (all about the fats), and moderate protein. Carbs are derived from vegetables and the few fruits I eat. Sometimes cheese. There is a bunch of science backing this way of eating to be super healthy for the obese, diabetic, and epileptic populations. As a matter of fact, the diet was specifically designed to help epileptic people improve brain function and reduce seizures. Keto has also been found to reduce bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure, blood sugars, and improve female fertility (No! That ship sailed in 1993). Not to mention, this way of eating has increased cognitive function for those who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's due to the amount of good fats eaten. Ok, I'll take it! 

Second, there is sugar in every effing processed and prepackaged food known to man. In dressings. In processed meats like deli ham or turkey. Even bacon and seasonings! If you do find there is no sugar (specifically) in the ingredients there are other forms of sugar listed. Gah! You can't get away from it! At this point you end up spending much more $$$ on grass fed and/or organic foods to avoid the sugar. Our commercial food makers are trying to purposely keep us addicted to their brands by adding sugar as a top ingredient to everything they market. You are better off learning how to make your own buttermilk ranch or blue cheese dressing let alone using single spices to make the steak rub you like minus the sugar. Imagine my disappointment to find out my favorite seasoning has sugar as a second ingredient. MFers.

Third, as you get older weight loss comes at a glacial pace. It is S-L-O-O-O-W. Really, really, really slow. I keep stepping on the darned scale and it doesn't move for weeks then boom, three pounds down to a total of 15 in a little over 8 weeks. Not bad. I wish it were more but I am exercising now using weights mostly so the scale isn't going to show weight loss progress if I'm trading fat for muscle. We all know that drill. I do see my figure changing as in my middle isn't much an XXL marshmallow now. Instead of having one big Buddha belly I now have rolls again. I realize happiness in that kind of progress is kind of messed up, but hey, I am kinda starting to see a waistline again and that has me pumped! Still wearing the same clothes but they fit so much more comfortably. I am becoming less self conscious in fitted gym clothes but that is more a change in attitude than self perception. I like exercising now especially when those endorphins kick in. Comfortable work out clothes is essential to a good workout. And duh, I'm fat so suck it with your fat shaming thoughts when you see me sweating at the gym wearing Fabletics like I belong in them. You heard me. Kiss my ass 'cause you can't miss it! 

Fourth, my body seems to be healing from the inside out. The eczema patches on my face are gone. The rough and bumpy skin on my arms is virtually gone. Oily scalp has subsided. Dry skin is on the mend. Female issue not so much anymore though mood swings are still a mess. That has to be menopause. I have taken two little purple pills for acid reflux in the past two months. I was taking one of those a day with a Tums chaser before. Haven't had a migraine headache since I started watching my diet and cut out sugar and grains. I did have a bout with sinusitis from Hell but if I am not mistaken a ketogenic diet that results in ketosis means you are burning fat instead of sugar (insulin) for fuel which makes this a common thing. Great! But Why? I'll tell you why. Toxins and hormones are stored in your fat cells. When I started burning fat instead of sugar I got all kinds of sick and cranky and funky from the release of toxins. Yeah. I kinda sorta knew this would happen but boy did not expect it to hit me like a bus.

Fifth, it's not all that hard to get in to the groove of eating the right foods to fuel your body. I have a minuscule amount of cravings for sweets. I like eating eggs and bacon and salmon and rib eye steaks with butter and avocados and olives and cheese burgers and all beef hot dogs. Don't hold the cheese please! I found the trick for me is variety but keeping the staples of what I know I enjoy on hand. For instance, my version of bulletproof coffee. Drip coffee, grass fed butter, MCT oil, heavy whipping cream, a good mix with the portable froth wand and SHAZAM! Instant breakfast that holds my appetite for hours and gets my brain out of the fog. 

Y'all, this climb up the 50 hill sucks. Hopefully my newly developing habits make the climb easier. Soon. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Changing your ways in your late 40's

I've been on a pseudo keto diet for 15 days now. I say pseudo because I am following the philosophy of not eating sugar or grains (rice, beans, pasta, bread - you know, the good stuff) but I am not a 'macro' nut regarding tracking fats and protein. Every time I want to feed my face I ask three things: 1. Is this healthy? 2. Will this food help me be healthy? 3. Will I lose some of this menopausal thickness if I eat this healthy food? Seriously. I was saddened to not have a waist while carrying a wide load because, baby, I always had back. Unfortunately the itty bitty waist has become a dwindling bygone. It's a horrible feeling not being able to button my jeans and having to dig out the elastic waist pants. I was always tired and my hair was falling out. My face was breaking out. My skin is in bad shape with dryness and deepening creases. I was starting to look my age. GAH! As I see it though the only drawback to this journey is my boobs become first tribute when I start to downsize. On the flip side it's great my double chin is disappearing!'s not touching my neck anymore. Look, I'm not on a path to be 15 year old me. It isn't realistic to think I'll ever be that thin again. Do I want to be healthier and a few pant sizes smaller as a result of eating healthier though? Heck yeah!!

It is so easy to put on weight and not notice. This is especially true when you work at home in yoga pants every day. Not having to put on trousers and jeans regularly is a disservice to your waistline people! Make good practice of putting on pants that have a button and zipper occasionally. That is most telling way of knowing if your waist is expanding. Eating like I didn't need to watch what I eat was a killer too. This is how I got to where I am now and why I need to lose some weight (ok, a lot) to decrease my blood pressure and keep my hypoglycemia in check. Nothing more fun than breaking out in to a cold sweat and shakes when you're in the drive through at McD's. Yeah, that was my life because I didn't give my body the right fuel.

The first few days were hell detoxing from the sugar. Day one was pretty miserable adjusting to not grabbing the crackers to fill the hole in my belly but day two...holy crap! I was hungry ALL darn day. I would have eaten the drywall if I thought it'd stop the gnawing agony of my stomach trying to digest itself. Day three was not so horrible but I was craving wine and sweets. Day four however is when I suspected I entered, or sort of entered, ketosis. Nah, I'm not going to go full "expert" on ya because that I am not. Here's the simple breakdown, "Ketosis is a normal metabolic process, something your body does to keep working. When it doesn't have enough carbohydrates from food for your cells to burn for energy, it burns fat instead." (See: WebMD) THAT is the whole point of being in ketosis - burning your fat reserves for energy thus reducing weight and ass spread. Yay for a smaller ass! 

One of the more challenging parts of activating my fat cells for energy is all the hormones that are being released from these fat reserves. One of those hormones released form fat stores is estrogen.  I have always been unbalanced and this has resulted in many years of womanhood suffering. Not to mention other atrocities that are better left unspoken. That is where all my problems began as a teenager with developing endometriosis and later developing fibroids and ovarian cysts. I am a raging estrogen factory and has resulted in a very difficult life pretty much every day of the month. I was recently - about two years ago, placed on a progesterone regimen to balance my hormones out. While it has helped to this point the new flood of estrogen being released from fat stores has made life a little, well, interesting. Needless to say the chains on my mood swing haven't snapped thank goodness but I have been experiencing some of the old discomforts resulting form the estrogen wash through my blood stream. I did not know estrogen and several other hormones were stored in our fat cells so this came as a surprise.

The benefit of changing my diet so far has been pretty darn awesome aside from the few surprises that came up. Not only am I down 10 pounds I am sleeping better. What was becoming a "I think I need a cpap" snore has waned to almost normal again. That's what I'm told anyway. C'mon. Everyone snores! Thankfully it's not loud like it was. I have more energy during the day and a better mental focus now because I am sleeping better. I didn't experience the keto flu that everyone complains about - or I did and had no idea it was happening. My acid reflux has really calmed down and not needing the little purple pill as often. I was a bit brain foggy in the beginning but that didn't last too long. I know my super wonderful boyfriend will beg to differ on that one - sorry Sugar, I'll always be part ditz. 

Anyway. Two weeks isn't long enough to start seeing results but I sure am feeling them. To me, that is a great start!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Why aren't DACA Dreamers seeking citizenship when they come of age?

Many times my opinions surrounding political issues are unpopular and is the primary reason I typically keep quiet. I feel compelled however to talk about the most recent topic in the news regarding DACA, immigration reform, and the 'dreamers' (many now adults) it affects. I had so many questions about this topic but after a little research found some clarification. Even armed with new knowledge I still feel the same. My final thoughts about DACA being rescinded by our current administration will likely remain unpopular.

I had to wonder why a "dreamer" and/or any illegal immigrant in general failed to begin the naturalization process. Do they understand they continue to perpetuate a serious immigration issue by not following through with the proper citizenship process? Don't they understand they may be deported to a country they do not know (if here since childhood)? One they may not even speak the language? Are you that sure you will not break up your family by thumbing your nose at the law? A story broke yesterday about a gentleman that was forced by ICE to go back to his home country after being here 30 years illegally. Bear in mind, the rescinding of DACA was not the reason this fella was sent packin' as the article will lead you to believe in this case. He's too old to qualify for DACA to start. It's possible he may have qualified if and when a new executive order for DACA expanded the ages. Pfft. As if. It was not a gamble ICE was willing to bet on. Unfortunately he over stayed his illegal welcome and ICE decided it was time for him to go.

Let's regroup and discuss. This fella knew since 2009 he had to do something to make his stay legal and didn't. The fact he was brought to the United States by an undocumented family member at the age of 10 doesn't change that he chose to do nothing to correct his situation. He went to school, became a productive member of society (paid taxes), married, and began his own family. He's a grown 39 year old man now with tween age children and a wife and he couldn't be bothered to clear up his undocumented illegal situation? I'm not an immigration lawyer nor am I an expert in immigration law but doesn't he have some protections being married to an American citizen? That is what I originally believed DACA was designed for. Essentially yes, but not in this guys case. Come to find out, he doesn't have protections because he is not here nor was he ever here legally. Even if he fell under DACA he is still unable to become a legal citizen. He will never meet permanent residency requirements to become a legal citizen due to the nature of his arrival and current immigration laws. The rescinding of DACA had nothing to do with his deportation. His separation from his family is of his own doing. He simply ran out of extensions to stay illegally. It's heartbreaking to see a family split up like this but when will people start taking personal responsibility for their own circumstances?

This is where the true topic of debate starts. DACA is not a law. It is a temporary executive order of relief implemented by the Obama administration directing USCIS to grant limited, temporary benefits to student "dreamers" (DACA was ordered as a short term solution to the DREAM Act of 2001) raised here in the US. DACA considers this group a low priority to immigration enforcement as long as they do not have a criminal history. They must apply, complete a back ground check, and pay a fee every two years to extend their stay. It is not nor is it meant to be a pathway to any form of legal immigration status such as permanent residency. Permanent residency is the primary step necessary to become a US citizen and DACA recipients are not eligible to become permanent residents, therefore cannot become US citizens. There is no legal pathway for anyone covered under DACA to become a citizen of the United States. Well, there is one way but it is VERY risky involving crossing the border to their home country and hoping to God they are let back in to the US. DACA was executed to keep these "innocents" from being deported and essentially separated from their families. DACA was designed as a humanitarian measure only until Congress could sort out their immigration reform laws. It was not meant to be a perpetual solution to the main issues of immigration reform. This why I believe DACA was rescinded by our current administration. DACA is a band-aid and it's long past time to rip it off.

I know for certain many of you are NOT fans of our current President. There is a visceral loathing for this man and it's understandable. He's rude, crude, and socially unacceptable to put it simply and mildly. I, too, flinch every time he opens his mouth in hopes he isn't eating his foot once again. But do you not realize he just did the DREAM Act, Immigration Reform, and Congress a favor by rescinding DACA last September? Don't forget there is still a six month stay on DACA so Congress has until March. Trump has essentially forced the hand of Congress to find a reasonable solution by way of new laws to advance amnesty that will be acceptable by all and a benefit to our United States. Congress is the reason we are in this mess. Congress is only rushing it now to close out the new spending budget. Congress has failed over and over to come to a reasonable and beneficial solution to provide legal citizenship to thousands of minor aliens (many who are now adults) here illegally by no fault of their own.  Side question of curiosity: What is the benefit of Congress keeping these folks illegal? Anywho...We need immigration reform in general. Fixing the DREAM Act, in my opinion, will be the first positive step Congress can make. It's time to succeed, Y'all. Seriously. Congress tried four years in a row to make this bill a law and gave up. Just threw up their hands and said "forget it." How confident does that make you feel about our legislative process? As a side note, this is why I support term limits. We have too many establishment elite's on both sides of the aisle taking handouts from their donors and no longer caring for their constituents, you and me.

Furthermore, Congressional threats of government shut down to prove the sad point of their gross incompetence is not the answer.  Get to work, Congress,  and stop your childish posturing! All of you! For the love of Pete, it's time to play nice in the sand box and work together. 


I never cared about a wall one way or the other. I'd rather we spend our tax dollars on more tangible infrastructure. Using the wall (this is the proverbial "stick" Republicans aim to beat the Democrats over the head with) as the only way to to come to an agreement on immigration reform is the wrong bargaining tool. We have no ground to stand on if you keep pulling that rabbit out of your hat, Mr. President. To hec with the wall for now. The Dems will never agree to it. Find the "carrot" the Dems want instead and use it to your advantage. You did write, Art of the Deal, didn't you? 

If the vinegar ain't workin' it's time to get the honey...