Thursday, July 18, 2013

For the birds...all of it!

Have I ever mentioned how much I adore my puppies? I am telling you, I have the two best dogs in the whole wide world! They are happy to see me when I come home even if I was only gone for five minutes. Wagging tails and smiles! They both show me unconditional love and hang on every move I make. Yeah, I get that they are waiting for a handout mostly. They are quirky and gentle, innocent and affectionate, silly and lovable. Whatever my day brings, these two dogs make me happy and bring me great joy. Instant Prozac. My girls have been part of why I have remained sane during this huge transition in my life. The other part of my life keeping me from driving off the 595 into the everglades? My son. My son has been my confidant and right hand. If I didn't have him with me I would be crying myself to sleep each night in pure heart wrenching loneliness. Poor kid. Little did he know his young adult life would consist of keeping his old Ma from going bat shit crazy.

Adjusting from being dependent to independent has been a huge eye opener for me. Being my own handyman and automotive repair specialist is for the birds. I haven't shopped for anything outside of pure need in four months. I am dying to buy the newest fashions, cute shoes, and eye shadow. Yes, eye shadow! Being able to spend money freely on whatever I want. My goodness, that is the thing I miss most! I want to take a weekend road trip, or trade my car in for that cute red zoom zoom for shits and giggles, get a room at the casino and gamble on the slots all night! My life now consists of quiet evenings and weekends at home watching movies and cooking meals that will eat for days. Save that one night a week I visit my new friends at the cigar lounge, I've gotten boring. But I do love the gang at the lounge!

I need a new adventure! Who's game?

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