Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Naggers Annonymous

When you set your self up to have no expectations about a relationship, regardless of the stage it's in, nagging isn't necessary. If nagging is your mental speak and the need to spew a barrage of inane demands to your man with out regard to his mental reception you run the risk of him tuning you out. Or worse, running him off. Yes. Men will tune out the obnoxious verbal pecking quicker than you can blink. This is the primary reason women speak 50% more than men. Women, as a species, are always poking rather verbosely at men in general. Now why do you think that is? Do you think it's been since the dawn of time and the evolution of homo-sapiens that women have ridden the Nag-a-lot train? 

No wonder men only half listen to us. Imagine the cave lady is busy gathering  tasty roots and grass food while her man is hunting for meat. He comes home and the rabbit he snared is a little scrawny. What does she do? She starts in on him with grunts and screeching that can only be akin to nagging. That is the skinniest rabbit I've ever seen...You forgot to take the large spear again so you could catch something bigger... I can't depend on you to bring anything worthwhile home for me to cook...I get it, it was more fun time with your boys than it was about feeding your family...I bet you didn't bother hunting all day because you and your boys were cutting up and realized you needed to bring something home like that scrawny ass rabbit...and on, and on.  

One of the more profound adjustments I made in my attitude and approach to relationships was to stop trying to take control with incessant and totally unnecessary nagging. It never got me anywhere but ignored in the past so I figured it was part of my repertoire that could be ejected permanently for the sake of sanity. For not just me but Huck, too. There is nothing more aggravating than to be completely ignored when trying to make a point or demand action with a venomous forked tongue. Ugh! I am so glad I decided to stop nagging. Of course it was pretty easy to do. Why? Because Huck is without a doubt the best boyfriend ever. I'm not kidding. He gives me no reason to nag. It helps when your man isn't like any others. 


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