Saturday, September 26, 2015

I've been a little busy

Life is ebb and flow like the tides of the ocean. Sometimes you find yourself with nothing to do but the mundane like grocery shopping and picking up dog food - the tide is rolling out leaving a clean shore behind and nothing obscuring your view to the vast ocean. It's peaceful tranquility. Sometimes your schedule is jammed packed with activities and meetups and events you are left exhausted thinking about all you have planned-the tide is rolling in with big crashing waves threatening to grab you and drag you out to sea. It's pure chaos. Occasionally the ebb and flow of life masterfully join and quietly roll in and out without incident where you get enough tranquility with some chaos peppered in there.

I really don't care to be balls to the wall busy all the time. It's fine to have multiple things scheduled in a week or weekend but I am not a back to back event participant. And I don't mind set plans but am more of the "fly by the seat of your pants" kind of girl. For instance, Huck and I had this idea for the gym, late lunch, then a movie yesterday. Well, we ended up ditching the gym and went to Walmart instead. Yes we grabbed a late lunch that was more like an early dinner. And no, the movie didn't happen. There was beer involved at a Happy Hour in our favorite beach spot which explains blowing off the movie. No big deal. So our plan changed on the fly. Oddly this happens more often than not with us. I'm totally good with it too. With all that said though, we are good about making scheduled engagements too. My Huck says he feels like a show pony and you know what? I love showing him off! 

On a completely unrelated note, I recently began working from home. It is something that I have been busting my ass off to do for the past year and finally earned the privilege to maintain my own virtual office. I worked at home years ago and was challenged not by being able to stay focused to work. The challenge came from working too much. Back then I was a salaried employee and it was just too easy to work all hours of the day and night. I had tons of autonomy and as long as I met my numbers the boss didn't care when I worked or how long. Things are different this time. But then again not really. There are distractions but not the same as before. I now have a schedule to keep one that I chose myself over a year ago. I am also older so my ability to focus is more finely tuned. 

After all these years I love working from home again. I get up at the same time as if I have to go to the office. But now I have an extra hour of leisure time to enjoy coffee and watch the news. I can take longer walks with the girls in the morning. Not that we walk further just dawdle longer so the girls have more sniffing time. The best thing is my job is no different. I just do it in my jammies now. There is no more racing the clock in the morning or fighting traffic on the short leg to work. I don't have to witness the palpable negativity of the Debbie Downer's in the office. It's quiet at home and comfortable. I feel so much more relaxed to do what I do. This of course makes me one happy chick.

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