Friday, March 1, 2019

Not a Hobby-Lobby Kinda Gal

I've never been the hobby type. I mean, I have varied interests in a lot of things but never took the time to really get in to something of interest. Painting, dogs, writing, coloring, dogs, reading, anything with the dogs, cooking, baking, dogs...I'm all over the place all the time. Moving in to a new home has brought new interests and new space to work on these new interests for sure but I haven't really landed on any one thing, sorta. For example, I like my yard. Mostly. Still needs some work of which my sweet Huckleberry will be facilitating. Hey, I help a little! My whole thing is chores (yard work) turn in to temporary hobbies and end up being treated like projects. When the project is done I start another or two and sometimes never finish one completely!

My mother has this magical power were she can grow anything in the most nutrient lack, sandy soil. Everything in her yard and planters flourish! The blueberries, mangoes, avocado, bananas, dragon fruit, star fruit, sugar apples, citrus, tomatoes, etc have all found their way to my belly at some point! I know at times some of her plants end up dead but not from her lack of trying to cultivate and nourish. Conditions being as they are on the beach - some things just don't do well with the salty air. My dad...he grew orchids in his trees!

Audrey III
I have always held some interest in gardening except for the dirt and the sweat and the weird caterpillars and spiders and other icky things associated with dirt and plants and the stuff that makes you itch but have no idea what you touched. You understand why Huckleberry ends up doing most of the yard work, right? Anywho, I always loved taking care of roses. I have a beautiful rose bush in a pot given to me by my darling for Valentine's Day several years ago. She has given me many sweet smelling blooms and I take care of her most. Clipped a bud to put in a vase today as a matter of fact. Her fragrance is wonderful! I now have a Don Juan rose bush climbing the side of the house left here by the previous owners. It's ok - needs a lot of work. The roses are larger since its a bigger plant but they don't smell. Huckleberry bought me two more rose bushes he planted by the climber - I can't wait to see how those do! I have other varied potted plants and herbs, too, all in different stages of hospice need.  

First self buy - Orange Girl
I bought myself an orchid when we moved in after almost killing my Christmas gift from dear brother and sister-in-law. When I saw how much the almost dead orchid liked being on the covered patio and started growing new roots and leaves, I was stoked! What did I do? Go buy more! I have eleven orchids now, a mixture of gifts and self purchases, and was hoping the bamboo orchids from Hawaii would grow (Xmas gift from Huckleberry) but I think I've murdered them in my early ignorance of caring for orchids. My favorite orchid is the phalaenopsis, the one with really big, flat leaves. I have a few dendrobuim and understand they are more suited for neglect which fits my level of care perfectly! 

Messy night shot but look at all those healthy plants!

I've read blogs and care sites all saying different, contradictory things about how to take care of these plants. I found my own variation of care using all the tips I've learned and seems to be the best type of care so far. I have new roots developing, leaves growing, and new flower spikes sprouting from the plant base. All good signs I'm doing something right! My tips: I water each plant once every 7-10 days when the moss feels dry with only a quarter cup. Stick your finger down in the pot...if its dry, water! I use a spray bottle with a weak fertilizer mixture and spray the base of each plant weekly. This seems to be the trick! Oh, orchids are sensitive to too much, too hot sun. Covered patios and indoor windowsill rotation are great locations to grow a healthy, blooming plant. Over watering causes roots to rot and plants to die. Too much and too hot sun burns the plant. Learned these lessons the hard way.
So I guess I do kind of have a hobby. Roses and orchids! 

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