Wednesday, January 22, 2014

For a Gemini there are many things to fancy...

Since my birthday falls right in the middle of the mutable air sign, Gemini, my personalty is pretty accurately described in most astrology definitions. I mix well in all types of company and learn a little bit about so many different topics with such a wide range it’s almost annoying to some. I never claim to be an expert but I hear and read things and can't help sharing what I know when the topic comes up! I do like to use ADD as a clinical explanation and excuse for my flighty nature. Honestly though, I find I am much more grounded now that I'm older. Anyway, I like to find adventure in most every experience and do so with childlike wonder.  I am always searching for new things to experience. This brings us to today’s list of things I fancy…

Huckleberry. My family. My dogs. Game of Thrones...I wan't Joffrey's head on a platter! Huckleberry. Dragons. Eye shadow. Writing. Coffee. Wine when coffee is no longer the best option…or it’s past noon. Huckleberry. Bath and Body Works - it’s a disease really, a sickness. Butterflies. Did I mention Huckleberry?

There has been a decent amount of time spent cultivating with my Huckleberry. It was slow to start and by all means not a complaint, then things grew to a pace which I am incredibly happy. It is a good thing I had some help with the cultivation because I’m really quite dumb about these things. No, seriously. I am. But wonderful things happen when there are no expectations or agenda. Its a grand experience when your effort is matched and I can honestly say things are coming along nicely! Let's just agree that Huckleberry has been very good FOR me, and very good TO me. Quite exceptional really. 

One thing is certain, I'm a different woman! I don't know exactly how this happened but I find myself doing things completely opposite of how I did things in the past. I'm enjoying the ride for a change and enjoying the scenery. I don't have the desire to drive every inch of the road. I like not wearing the proverbial "pants."  Actually, I'm tickled I don't have to wear them! 

My girlfriend and I have a theory that women are responsible for the pussification of the American man. Fewer and fewer MEN  are available because women feel the need to beat them down.  Why do we do this? Why do women feel the need to neuter men to the pussification point? I'll admit. I was that woman three times in my life. Ugh! Lessons learned! To each of you I sincerely apologize. But this is what I'm trying to get at. I am NOT that woman anymore. I understand that old habits die hard and may slip in to current conversations which may seem reminiscent of those from the past but in the end...


I realize my thought process shifted from my astrological sign to other things pretty quickly. Proves another point...I'm all over the place and obsessed at the same time like a true Gemini! LOL!

And those damn butterflies....

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