Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Doughnuts v Muffins

Jennifer Crusie explains in her novel, Faking it, there are only two types of men. Men are either doughnuts or they are muffins. The reasoning is pretty sound. Cracked Head Fred and I have had many a conversation about the differences between these two very delicious treats.  And there are distinct differences. There are also impostors so be wary. But once a girl understands the nuances attributed to each, well...let's just say a girl can save herself a lot of time and heartache or head full speed into a string of meaningless doughnuts. 

The doughnut first...

To quote, 'doughnuts are the guys that make you drool.' Doughnuts are crispy, gorgeous, and covered in chocolate. When you see one you have to have it, devour it. We don't always take one on the first pass. But we end up spending the entire day thinking about this damn doughnut so we go back for it even though we know it's a mistake. Yup, we take the doughnut home. Unfortunately doughnuts are not meant to be kept overnight. The next morning the icing is all stuck to the bag, it's not crispy anymore, and now it's just plain icky and you have to ask...Why on earth did I bring this thing home? Now you are filled with self loathing and have to brush your teeth because it's left a bad taste in your mouth. The worst kind of doughnut? One covered in sprinkles. Those are best admired from a great distance. In the end doughnuts are great when you want a quick fix but there comes a time in a woman's life when doughnuts just won't cut the mustard anymore. Hey, if you are looking for a fun time with no strings? The doughnut is the right choice.

The muffin...

The poor muffin just kinda sits there in all it's different shapes and sizes. They are wholesome, soft, and tasty but easily overlooked. Muffins are steadfast. They are there for you when you want them. They don't morph into cupcakes or ho-ho's. You can spend time with a muffin in your jammies and squishy socks and not be judged. Muffins will give you comfort and just take the time to know when we need a hug and kiss.The greatest thing about muffins? They are still delicious the next day and are there for the long haul. Also muffins have so much potential to surprise us and give us that fresh doughnut whirl. Think about it! There are pineapple and orange muffins, double chocolate fudge muffins, banana nut muffins because sometimes you feel like being crazy. The possibilities are endless! Understand there comes a point in a woman's life when the muffin IS what cuts the mustard. And boy do I love my Huckleberry muffin! Best muffin in the history of ever!

Ladies, we have to be very wary of impostors. There are doughnuts disguised as muffins and muffins disguised as doughnuts.  This is why its imperative to do a little research before you pick one up. Let's just call that a public service message. 

The book is actually a great read. 

As Always,

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