Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Before I was me...

The Guff ~ Hall of Souls

Most of the 80's teens will recall a film called, "The Seventh Sign." It was an apocalyptic movie centered around the Book of Revelations.  Basically the world was coming to an end because there were no more souls in the Guff to be born. I've always had a strange fascination regarding reincarnation and rebirth; specifically how different religious faiths believe what happens to our souls after death.  Don't worry, this isn't going to be one of those fanatical discussions on religion and how one over powers the other. My personal belief about religion is this...EVERYONE is religious. Religion is simply defined as making a choice to believe or not believe. What that belief may be is defined by our early teachings and later formed by our life experiences. And we're moving on...

I joke that my life's lesson, in this lifetime, is to learn patience. I must learn to have and keep the patience afforded saints. I've also joked that God understood that I chose to come back to learn this lesson of patience so only blessed me with one child. This trial of patience would be so great that to have more than one child I'd waste this life's lesson. I do love children. They are funny little drunk people when they are small, become argumentative asshole aliens in their teens, then finally become decent sub-humans you may actually be able to carry a half way decent conversation. I can surprisingly adapt to communicate effectively with each phase it's scary. It also takes patience. Aha!

I read a book a few years back about past life regression hypnosis. I saw a theatrical version of this type of regression therapy in the movie, "K=Pax." Good movie. All of my former ideas of past life and reincarnation possibilities surfaced recently, well in the past couple few months, and I am left wondering again. Who the eff was I before I chose to return? Apparently someone that needed a lot of work! Sheesh! I think I am here to not only learn patience but to overcome all my short comings from my past. All the short comings I did not fix in any of my lives previously have culminated to this big ball of personality I know today as me. My goodness I have not even scratched the surface of overcoming anything. Well, maybe. Ok, maybe not.

Here's the funny thing. I'm not alone in this journey. Now don't roll your eyes at me. We are all allowed to believe what we want and I believe I've connected with someone from a past life. What we were to each other before is not certain but we were something. I've never felt or known this strong a connection before, ever. You can be acquainted and familiar with a person for years before the "Masters" decide it's time to push you together. Its timing and timing has to be right, just right. These dudes and dudettes are watching and deciding who to "ship" like characters in a novel. The attraction was always there but just taking a nap. You begin noticing things about each other you never saw before. His eyes twinkle, she smiles. Then BOOM! Butterflies and fuzzy brain happen. Then all that matters is his happiness. And his happiness becomes her happiness and vice versa. Then I ask...was it a past life we shared or did we just chill together in the Guff?

Still have no earthly clue who I was, who he may have been. It would be interesting to know. Not knowing is fun too because we can invent. I dare say oddly, even at this age, I'm still surprised daily by the things that are firsts for me in this shiny new whatever it is. And it's not just actions. My effort is always matched and that is one of the firsts that made me trip and fall. Feelings are also very new. Some may be slightly reminiscent of times past but its all new found strength, endurance, and depth and all are tipping the scales! Makes my head spin in the most wonderful, amazing way! 

I truly adore Huckleberry! Truly!

As Always,

“To see and appreciate the soul of others with whom you are in a relationship is a higher state of awareness. To see only their outer characteristics provides a limited and incomplete perspective. Their current personality, just like their current physical body, is a temporary manifestation. They have had many bodies and many personalities but only one enduring soul, only one continuous spiritual essence. See this essence and you will see the real person.” 
― Brian L. Weiss

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