Monday, March 17, 2014

I don't normally use scripture to open conversation...

From 1 Corinthians 13 and The Way of Love...“Love excuses everything, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

OK, I never use scripture to open conversation but a topic came up today that got me kinda thinking. Yes, I am about to philosophize you but not in a pompous way! I promise! A friend posted a thought provoking question on Facebook today. He asks, "Between the two, what is the ultimate sacrifice; losing an everlasting friendship or losing a potential love forever?"  In my mind the answer is so complex but yet so easy to understand. Everlasting friendship is also everlasting love. Sometimes the friendship comes first and sometimes it's love. The definition of the word 'potential' is having the capability or ability to develop to something more. So how do you know you've lost a love if it was only potential? I believe that love is felt so deep in your soul that there is no potential but rather, propensity. The inclination is there and develops over time. And you just...know. Some things are also just  not meant to be. And some things have always been meant to be and finally arrive. Love sleeps in us until we are ready to let it wake our hearts. 

The love you feel for each person you connect with in your life varies. We love our parents, we love our siblings, we love our children, we love our spouses or significant others, we love our friends, we love our pets. Some of us even love inanimate objects or people we will never meet. This brings us back to just knowing it in the deepest parts of our soul. If we are meant to love someone, we do. And we know it. There is never a question of potential. It's innate. 

Let's talk a little about the love we feel for our significant others. This is something else that has the wheels turning. You think you love the other person and that love could be forever. Then shit happens and you move on in life with a broken heart. Or you are the one that breaks the heart of another. Either way the love you thought was forever isn't anymore. The love has changed or gone away. Now you are going through the motions of life again and you are meeting new people or rediscovering people you already knew and, WHAM-O! You are KO'd by cupid, knocked flat on your ass. You sit up and see little pink hearts dancing around your noggin. This happens every day for the same man and its fantastic! 

You know you felt love for the others in your past. Had to have, or else you wouldn't have coupled with them or even married them. But that changed and is over. Now you are part of something much larger and you question yourself. This person is in every way perfect for you. This person gets you. This person has made you a better person. You love this person with every bit of your soul that you wonder, did you even love the others in the past because dude, it was nothing like this. Nothing. Not even close. And when its mutual, because you just know it is...OMG....heaven on earth! You are pinching yourself thinking you are dreaming but its not a dream. Its real and you wonder how you deserve such bliss.

I believe if we ask the universe for what we want we will receive it when we are ready. Go on. Don't be afraid. Tell the universe what you are looking for and when you are finally ready to receive, you'll find your person in the most unlikely and unexpected way.

There is no higher gift than love.

As Always,

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