Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Comes back on you three fold...

I've talked about this before. Whatever energy you put out in to the universe will come back to you. For a year now I've been practicing what I preach. I find the positive in every situation. Life is complicated enough. Why throw negativity on top of things you can't control? Here's an example. I have this beautiful new shiny red car. I've only had Sexy Bitch for six weeks. I work at a location with hundreds of others and parking gets hairy as the morning turns to afternoon. I backed in to a spot like normal. backed in parking needs some work-I'm still trying to remember to use my camera- but I'm cozy in my space. I guess too cozy. Someone clipped my car pulling out of the space next to mine. Yeah, Sexy Bitch needs a face lift already. I went through the expected range of emotions. Disbelief, anger, sadness...then remembered, It's just a car!  It was an accident and this is why we have insurance. Good thing was, and this is part of the the energies you send out (karma, law of attraction), the owner of the other car left a note of apology and a number. I don't believe this kindness could have been extended unless I had that positive vibe surrounding me. 

My point? If I had been sending nothing but nasty negative downer energy out there then things could have been worse. It's that simple. Since I began this transformation I noticed that my negative days are fewer and far between. I have a lot to make up for but the positive energy I send out, the positive outlook I have, and letting go of things I can't control - its life changing! So much good comes to my life. I now attract the things, and people, that keep me positive. Of course, there remains in my world a scattering of the nattering nabobs of negativity from my other life time.  Old habits or blind acceptance?

Something happened this week that troubled me for a minute. This is because I accepted the circumstances as they had always been and never questioned how it may affect my positive vibe and the positive vibes of others I care for and love. Never considered it may be harming to all the changes I made or to the one I now adore.  I've accepted this negative energy to continue to be a part of my life without questioning why and I was called out on it, indirectly, but called out none the less. The message was immediately apparent and I knew it was the truth. As I retold the events to a dear friend his response hit me pretty effing hard in my heart. Not a bad hard but like saying,  duh, you dipshit! And I quote, "It takes someone to want better for you to point out the things you have been too willing to accept." I overlooked the truth of the energy surrounding this event for so long it just became acceptable behavior. 

Why did it hit me hard in the heart? The person that called me out...this person wants "better" for me...and happens to be my most favorite of all time in the history of ever! It took another person separate from the event and unaware to remind me again how much my most favorite adores me in return. 

Another thing I relearned through this event, negative feelings are negative energy. Jealousy, envy,  and anger are the most common. The transfer of affection, coveting the good fortune or luck of another, feeling wronged are all validating. I am not going to strip the right to feel these emotions from any one person or even myself. Feel them if it makes you feel better. Realize though, those emotions are negative and if you feel that negativity you send that negativity out to the universe. It will swell out of control and it just becomes all you know. These negative emotions are most likely why the universe isn't sending you anything good to work with. Your feelings and actions determine whether the universe will provide the darkness or the light. Only you are responsible for that. 

When I decided to make positive changes in my life I was lacking the confidence of success. Living in the aftermath of another failed marriage did a number on my self esteem and confidence. I incorporated some self talk in my morning routine that really helped me move past the bad. If you want your life to change you have to start with your self. You have to love who you are and know you have great things to contribute. If you do not believe this with every fiber of your being, reaching your goals will be a long challenging road. 

That is all. 

As always,

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