Thursday, May 15, 2014

Naive...yeah, probably most days.

I received the strangest phone call from a toll free number today. I do not normally answer unidentified numbers, toll free or not, but took a call today out of curiosity. The same number had been phoning in for a couple days a few times a day but never left a message. I should have gone with my gut and continued to ignore it but curiosity got me and I still have a few lives left. The gentleman on the other end was polite and asked me to verify my name so I did. Then he recited my number and I immediately asked, "You dialed a different number?" I began to smell fish.

So he said a few things then asked me for my T-Mobile account number. Um, no you may not have my account number. I recently dumped AT&T after 16 years of loyal patronage. That's a story in itself. Anywho, this guy was trying to get my T-Mobile account number to complete MY request to transfer to Boost Mobile. Um, no again. The fish is getting smellier. He insisted I made the request. I insisted he was wrong. He insisted again he has my request. I insist he is wrong again. Then he asked if he could put me on hold. I said, "What the hell for?" He wanted to speak to his manager...again, what the hell for? I basically said he'd be wasting my time and his. I did not and will not transfer to Boost since I just transferred to T-Mobile and to please never call me again. Yes, I was that nice. He stammered. Here's another one of those jackholes that keep pushing because he doesn't understand, NO. I passed the gullible test with this adventure. The fish was definitely rotten.

Other times not so much...

Today I was the victim of office shenanigans. As I was yesterday. And the day before. Not Steve-O and Bam from Jackass shenanigans but Achilles Heel-benefit of the doubt-always reigns.  Yes, I'm gullible because the trickster is the master bullshitter and I can never tell if I'm being played like a well tuned fiddle or if our office conversations are indeed true and trustworthy. Then, THEN, he drags others into his shenanigans. For a split second today I felt like a total asshole. Thankfully I was let off the hook. But what do I do to retaliate? I bake effing bad ass brownies.  I at least hope they came out bad ass. LOL!

Baking is my therapy. Some will argue it's a bottle of wine. others will claim is all that foo-foo beer I like. Nope, it's baking. I jokingly tell folks feeding them my baked delights is my sick and twisted way of getting everyone chubby so I look thinner. Not really an accurate reason why I bake. I am, by nature, a nurturer though. The lady trained me from a very early age how to cook, clean, raise kids, and take care of a man. That was the lady's only true desire, for me to meet a doctor or lawyer, give her grand babies, and have Tupperware parties or some shit. I can do all of it. But I choose not to do ALL of it.

I love being a mom, I love taking care of my man, I do love to cook and bake. Baking and cooking relaxes me. It's not about the final product. I'm kinda weird about my baking more than my cooking. I know I can bake. I know most stuff I bake is good, even great sometimes. The reason I bake is because its my mind's way of putting things in order. I need that order occasionally to get the rest of my thoughts back into proper place. I measure, mix, stir and sift. All the ingredients are placed into a dish or scooped onto a sheet and stuck in the oven for a predetermined amount of time. And the result? I am relaxed and the house smells amazing! Then I get to feed people because I can't keep all that sweet deliciousness in my house!

And that makes me feel see people devour the delectable devilish delightful treats I slaved over a hot oven to create.

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