Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mercury in retrograde and the full moon...

I'm here again. It's late so I won't say too much but am feeling compelled to lay out some thoughts again. I am not an astrology nut nor do I feel my entire life is ruled by the planets but occasionally the monthly readings seem so spot on to me and my life circumstances. Mercury, my ruling planet, has gone to retrograde and tonight's lunar eclipse was supposed to bring some news that will initially freak me out then later be recognized as a blessing. When your ruling planet goes retrograde it seems that all you've done starts to unravel. Anything you do during a retrograde doesn't stick. It's as if the Universe decides...hmmm...I think I'll fuck with her fate line for a few weeks and make her think she's a nut job. Well, we are all a little nutty. Some of us just hide it better than others.

I realize that astrology charts are general and geared to a large audience. I also realize that sometimes the charts are off and even specific days marked as "watch for it" doesn't mean the prediction isn't going to happen on that marked day. The predictions are not engraved in stone and so specific that you will be fully aware of when an event is to take place. The generalized prediction of events can take place at any time. And it's for entertainment purposes only.

Oh shit, I am rambling on like a crazy person.

I have been experiencing a great deal of anxiety the past few days. I thought my son was squared away and settled for a few months until he springs some rather unexpected news on me last week. He has a girlfriend. That wasn't the news that made me have an anxiety attack and it's not that I never expected it but I didn't expect it to happen under these circumstances. He's not yet found his place and it concerns me. How can he make a relationship work if he has no idea where he's headed? He's doing exceptionally well though granted he's not found his place. He's handling the pressures of (sorta) being on his own. Making his own choices. He's understanding there are consequences of his decisions and actions. He's growing up. Now he just needs to get an effing job!

Chicks are chicks. We think and do things that men feel are considered "typical" of chicks. We are emotional creatures and spend a great deal of time analyzing information, responses, actions...our brains are akin to 3, 478 Google tabs open at the same time. Our brains are wired to make connections to every thing and anything all at once and all over the place. For instance, I know my Huck loves me. With out a doubt he loves me. He even tells me in the most endearing and wonderful ways. It's not always a direct statement of "I love you." Sometimes its shown with a made bed or dishes loaded in the dish washer. Sometimes the message is embedded in the lyrics of a song. Sometimes its a reminder of shared moments brought to the front of my mind like an advertisement torn from a magazine. His message is always heard no matter how it's told. But, from time to time due to being a damn typical chick, I hear the message but read too much into it and spin it to be something else entirely. I have these moments and am not ashamed to admit when I am having one of these dimwitted typical chick moments. Just know, I hear the true message loud and clear and it makes me swell with warmth and love. My goodness, I love my Huck!

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