Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Chocolate, wine, and knights in shining armor...

There are those days when all I want is to get in to my grubby house dress, wrap myself up in my favorite squishy blanket, and gorge on endless hours of recorded TV shows. Yeah, I am feeling it tonight. Sorta. I am also in the mood to put thought to paper so to speak and is why I am here. These type of days I also like to indulge in an unhealthy amount of chocolate. Which I did. We'll call it dinner. Of course, now I feel sick. 

It wasn't a bad day. Not at all. The one thing that sticks out mostly is a conversation with a friend. The details are not for me to divulge but really brought on psychological flooding from my not so distant past. Needless to say I am fully understanding of the heartbreak my friend is experiencing now. It's going to be a long journey but eventually my friend will need to make a choice that is either incredibly painful or just one of acceptance. And there will be no judgement from me either way. 

This flooding also made me realize, again, how incredibly lucky I am now. Aside from all the difficulties I've had with my son, going through divorce, and adjusting to being physically alone for the first time, I am truly lucky. The challenges I've faced recently are not as seemingly terrible and have actually fixed themselves over time. Somewhat. I still face these challenges but they don't seem as consuming as before. Time heals. 

And having a champion makes it all easier to face.

My champion is handsome. He's dashing. His smile gives me butterflies. With all the troubles I have  in this world, great and small, they all seem diminished with the wink of his eye. His playful nature makes me giggle and there is nothing more comforting than his warm and gentle kiss. He is good to me. Very good to me. And he is good for me. There has never been a man in my life like him and I know for certain I have never loved a man the way I love him. Yes, I'm a damsel in distress most days and he's my knight in shining armor...or Hercules. 

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