Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dog shaming...a long winded story.

My dog lost her mind last night. No, seriously. I think she left it in the grass with her evening constitutional. It started about 2am. I take that back. It started with a maple frosted cupcake around nine. After spending a fun evening with friends, Huck and I were sent home with some fabulously moist cupcakes with maple butter-cream frosting. I did not have the opportunity to have one earlier so when we arrived home I brought two up to the TV room for a treat after I took the girls out for their evening walk. One for me, one for Huck. I left them on the coffee table and went to change my clothes and ready for a quiet evening on the couch.

When I walked back into the den I see Sunshine chowing down on something. She's standing with her back end towards me and her tail tucked trying to hurriedly woof down whatever it was she got. The tucked tail gave her away - it told me she was chewing on something she shouldn't be chewing on. I ask, "What you chewing on, Sunshine?" Like she understood the question she makes this grand gesture of quickly swallowing any evidence of what she had gotten in to and slowly turns her head toward my voice. I immediately look to the table to see, low and behold, a missing cupcake. Oh, for Pete's sake! 

She does this too.
Around 2am the shenanigans began. It started with her jumping into bed. Normally this isn't an issue because she settles right away and doesn't bother anyone save slowly pushing her way deeper into the bed. No, this time she jumped into the bed and stood over me panting in my face. I thought nothing of it and pushed her back to the floor. There is no thunder storm. No lightning, No rain. Dejected, she went into the corners of each room and started digging - scrubbing her nails like she's trying to make a bed. After that didn't satisfy her she tried the bed again. This time I allowed her to lay down next to me near my head but she just kept panting in my face. Hot dog breath in my face is not the best sleeping  environment. So I pushed her on to the floor again for her to go from one bathroom to the next and back again trying to hide behind the toilet. I know this because I heard the garbage cans move around. Now she comes back again but only jumps half way up to paw at me. And pant in my face. Crap! It then dawns on me after fighting her off for 45 minutes...the cupcake might be upsetting her. Out of bed I go to take her and Annie out. Yeah, Annie is the angel this time. She only roused from sleep because I got out of bed. She was happy for the late night adventure and even more happy to settle back down to sleep after.

After our quick middle of the night walk we are back upstairs and I am back in bed. But the shenanigans ensued. Up on the bed panting over my head. Shove her down. Back up. Moving garbage cans in the bathrooms. Pawing at me from the floor. I get up and go lay on the couch. She climbs up with me but stays down by my feet. She finally settles down and I fall asleep for a while. She seemed settled but was woken up to her panting again. She was fine when I took her out earlier and no evidence of a tummy upset so another late night walk was not necessary. Maybe it was the large amount of sugar just messing with her. I dunno. She settled again. I fell asleep for a bit, woke up again, and went back to bed with her tucked in under my Dolphin's squishy blanket. That of course didn't last long. It is now 4:30am. I am frustrated. I am getting angry. All I want is to sleep! So I go back out to the couch with her and she's settled in again and my back is screaming. And my body hurts. But if this is the only way to calm the dog so I can sleep I'll take it! Then I heard it. 

If smoke detectors are plugged into an electric source, why the FUCK do we have to put batteries into them? The dog lost her mind over the repetitive chirp of a dying battery in a smoke detector downstairs. I was instantly pissed when I realized what the hec was going on. OMG!!! down the stairs I go, drag the freakin' dining room chair over, climb up, and rip the effing thing right off the ceiling - wires and everything, I couldn't get the fucking battery out of it fast enough! How did I not hear this for the several hours before? My goodness it could have saved me a lot of aggravation. Amazingly my old girl Annie was curled up in a ball sound asleep the whole time. Hard of hearing to deaf. Whatever stage she is at good for her. She missed the drama. 

I was finally able to go to sleep at 5:30 this morning. 

My sweet puppy Sunshine's very rude behavior last night served as a not so pleasant reminder of life as a young mother with a new born baby. There were many sleepless nights much like last night.  Dealing with Sunshine was like dealing with a cranky sleepless baby, my Punk. I don't think I slept the first six months of his life. Really. Today has been rather busy. Busier than I expected so there was no opportunity for a nap. Now here I am, it's getting late, and I'm blogging about a sleepless night like y'all care. I think I'll go to bed now. Well, by midnight. LOL!

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