Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Constipated contemplation...

Day 2 of the 80 ways card game..."Buy one of your favorite things from childhood on Ebay."

Ugh! I hate eBay! I compromised and shopped my favorite online vendors at Amazon instead. I am sure I could have found something suitable on eBay but then I would have to explain the game to Hubby so I could use his PayPal for easier check out. As it was, I spent all day trying to figure out what to buy. 

I grew up in a time where we spent all our free time outside. We ran around barefoot and dirty and didn't come home until the street lights came on. I had few things that I absolutely loved enough to want to spend money on as an adult. I loved Play-do, but I already own some. Yes...it's a can of hot pink Play-do sitting on my desk at work to which I knead and roll and shape when I am stressed or on the phone. I also have a can of flarp. When you pull out the goo and try to push it back into the can it makes an obnoxious farting noise. It's my favorite toy ever! Fart noises make me laugh. It's a sickness.

I was a girl with two sides growing up. I loved my barbies and playing dress up. I liked to be clean and wear pretty shoes and lip gloss. I also liked to run around barefoot playing "kill the man" with the neighborhood boys. I would make matchbox car cities in Mom's garden to race my black '67 Corvette. I drank water from the garden hose on a hot day and it was the best tasting water ever. I've clothes-lined myself on the clothes line while running from whoever was "it." I will say in my clean girly world my barbies were great company. I had the dream house, jet, Corvette, and so much clothes in her wardrobe I could have clothed a 10 dozen Barbies. I didn't have a Ken doll because my Bubba's GI Joe was a great stand in. He was a hec of a lot more manly then that pansy Ken anyway. Ascots...why did they make Ken wear an ascot?

When it occurred to me it was a Barbie I would buy I took a moment to decide if I was going to actually buy a Barbie or something Barbie related. Barbie related! I bought....drum roll please....a Barbie lunch box! Hey, practicality wins out but I will be the only grown woman at work carrying a Barbie lunch box now won't I?

C'mon Barbie! Let's go party!

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