Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Amazon to the rescue and fairy tales...

Day 3 of the 80 ways card game: Go to a book store or library and find a book that you loved when you were younger, then read it again. Game on!

When I read my card for the day I thought, "What's up with having to go somewhere or buy something for these dang cards?" It's not that I am opposed to spending a few dollars or getting out of the house but honestly? I don't have the energy or the inclination to do this after work. I've been in the office all day, lately so bored out of my mind it's excruciating, and the last thing I want to do is have to go to the book store to read my favorite childhood book. The library closes before dinner time so that wasn't going to happen tonight. If I had pulled the card over the weekend, maybe. I wasn't that lucky today. I just wanted to go home and have a glass of wine. Ok, two glasses of wine. So?

My childhood reading was advanced. Hemingway, Dickens, and Steinbeck paperbacks were dog-eared and grimy crowded down at the bottom of my book bag but one of my favorite childhood stories was Charlotte's Web. I will be damned if I was going to drive all the way out to Barnes and Noble to sit and read the entire book there. At least that's what I interpret the card to say. I surely didn't want to buy it...I think I have a copy laying around somewhere. Maybe whoever wrote these daggum cards thought of stories like Goodnight Moon or Everybody Poops, something that can be read in a few minutes. I instead took a short break at work and used company resources to look on Amazon for a kindle version of my next favorite, Grimm's Fairy Tales. Ta-da! I found a free one! I one-clicked that effin book in the blink of an eye. 

When I arrived home I prepped dinner, stuck it in the oven, and logged in to class. Back to school time homies and I have a Master's degree to get over with yesterday. Ugh! The reading for these classes are going to be the death of me. I posted my introductions and had dinner on the couch with my guys. When the boys wandered off to their respective caves (as is routine) I grabbed up my iPad and touched the Kindle app...poof! Grimm's Fairy Tales downloaded and ready to open. I looked at the list of stories and immediately my eyes fell on Briar Rose. I have fond memories of my hard cover copy of Grimm's when I was a little girl reading every-single-story over the summer before 3rd grade. The book was heavy and had a very plain red leather spine with gold embossed letters and pages edged in gold. My father had gotten me that book and I cherished it for many years. 

Back to Briar Rose. What a stupid, stupid story! I guess when I was little it had meaning. What meaning I won't even venture to guess. Little girl idealism maybe. Now that I've reread it, it's just a tale about a king and queen that didn't quite understand etiquette or the consequences of pissing off a thirteenth fairy. Good grief! Here's what it boils down to...the pissed off fairy wanted the beautiful princess dead, the twelfth fairy circumvented the curse, and the entire kingdom fell asleep for 100 years because the princess was nosy and went somewhere she shouldn't have gone on her 15th birthday. Yeah, yeah. A handsome prince came along to rescue her but luckily it was on the 100th day of the curse. WTH?!

I'm still shaking my head. Gimme my glass will ya?

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