Thursday, August 9, 2012

Homemade thin crust pizza, puppy love, and wanderlust.

Hubby told me he wanted homemade thin crust pizza for dinner tonight. Yes, he had placed his order around lunch time so that I could remember to stop at Publix after work. I weeded my way through the geriatric crowd, since I ended up at the "old people" Publix, and selected items to make one pepperoni and one BBQ chicken. I will tell you I cheated and bought the pre-made crusts but the rest of the stuff was natural. Oh ok, ok...except for the BBQ chicken. That came out of a Jack Daniels bucket found in the meat section. I don't have enough time in the day to make everything from scratch no matter how much you beg. I put the pizzas together and stuck them in the oven. I noticed one of them was too close to the edge so I attempted to push it back. Mistake! I grabbed the rack instead and scorched the tip of my finger. See?

I really did burn my finger. I am missing my finger print on the spot I touched to the rack. I swear!

Yesterdays card #7 of the 80 ways card game: "Look up your first boyfriend on Facebook." What makes you think I haven't done this already...more that once? Oddly enough I had come across a student file the day before bearing the same name as this boy. My first crush and boyfriend was in the 6th grade. We will call him Davy Rey. In my 11 year old opinion he was the cutest boy EVER! He had blond hair and big blue eyes and was taller than me. We all know boys don't get their growth spurt until after the girls do and I am slightly taller than the average female. I looked him up on Facebook this morning and nothing. At least no one with a picture matching what I remember he looked like. Davy Rey will remain a young girls memory of what a first crush feels like.

Today's card #8 of the 80 ways card game: "Print a map of the world, plan your dream journey, then post on your bulletin board." Um, no. I won't print the map but I will tell you where I'd like to vacation. Places on my bucket list have changed and expended or contracted. The one place I want to see and the first place I will go when I win the lottery is Australia. I want to see the out back and travel to Tasmania. Spending a few weeks on safari and visiting the sparkling cities. This is the ultimate walkabout. Or, I could go to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney to find Nemo.

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