Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Eat, Drink, and be Fabulous!

I am not a guest on the Maury show!

The drama that has invaded my normally calm existence has evolved into this tentacle laden creature of stress producing proportion that my brain is dim and wit is slow. I had the opportunity to get away from the anxiety and life sucking stress for three blissful days at my favorite vacation destination to celebrate the 14th anniversary of my 29th birthday. This short break allowed me to focus on and enjoy another very important part of my life with out worry or stress. Or sadness.

This girl was is in desperate need of a big drunk. BIG! My first day in paradise began with mimosa. Then add beer...a few mojitos...then more beer....I lost track of how much I imbibed. I'll tell you though, I had an epic drunk filled with laughter and little balance. There was no breakfast. There was a lunch. There was an appetizer at some point that Huck swears were green conch fritters. I don't remember green. But I do remember mojitos. And a little ditty at Irish Kevin's. And the stumble back to our darling little bed and breakfast in the nice part of town. Up all 29 steps. He counted them to prepare for the night ahead.

The moments after the third mojito are blurred. I recall many parts but many more parts are fuzzy still. There was music and a fun couple joined us at our friends! A bet. Winks across the table. I think. I did take our new friend's hat. We had jello shots. Those were green. That I remember. Then it was time to go. Let the games begin! I was good for a little bit. I think I had the drunk megaphone turned up to max volume because it seemed like I was talking to everyone at once. But I was only yelling at Huck. Not yelling, yelling but yeah I was a bit loud. I think. I do remember having to stop a time or two because I lost my balance. This made me laugh even more. Bent at my waist, hands on my knees, laughing. Then there was a problem with the keys to the gate. I swear we had to walk ALL the way around to the main gate to get in...but Huck rescued us. Thank goodness!

The night ended with a long hot shower. I sat in the shower at some point. I think. There was a feisty battle with a small bar of glycerin soap. More giggles. I forgot to bring in the shampoo so I used the soap to wash my hair too. I managed to brush my teeth and comb the rats nest from my hair before going to bed...where I found my handsome hunk of man sound asleep. The night ended with the spins. I woke up and took another shower. I dunno why. Just seemed like the thing to do. When I came out there was a basket of breakfast goodies waiting for me. Breakfast in bed! 

I was soon dressed and ready to start the day. Kind of. I still had a buzz left from the night before. I attempted to eat a bit of the croissant from the breakfast basket. It was horrid! The boiled eggs weren't any better. And nothing else seemed appetizing. I drank water. Lots of water. At some point I thought I would hurl. I was poised by the waste basket ready to toss what was left of the conch fritters from the night before but was able to keep things down. Time for breakfast at my favorite place down the 29 steps we went. And we walked what seemed like miles. I was hurting. My head was ok but omg I felt like Hell warmed over. We had to stop in Walgreens for pepto tablets and motrin. Breakfast, though usually delicious, was meh at best for me. 

It was hours before I felt human. The rest of the day was filled with quiet adoration for the one man in my life that proved he can handle me at my worst. Because y'all I was a hot mess!

I'm done with drinking for a while. I think.

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