Friday, June 27, 2014

It's in there!

Semi home made. Yes, its a real thing in my house. The lady trained me to use the convenience of pre-made foods and add fresh ingredients to make the meal healthier and tastier. Had a craving for spaghetti today so I made some for a late dinner. The sauce wasn't mine, it's Prego. Why? Because it's in there! And then some because I add whatever makes sense and is available in my fridge. Fresh onion, mushrooms, bell pepper (not green ones - yuck), lean ground meat, and red pepper flakes because I like a bit of a kick. If the dish requires a red sauce this is most likely what you are gonna get in my house. A doctored up version of Prego, Classico, or Barilla. I occasionally make these short cuts with baking but only when in a pinch and usually to substitute an item or enhance the recipe as opposed to it being the foundation like my spaghetti sauce.

This not doing school work thing is kinda nice. I have to admit though, not having something to procrastinate is just, well, weird. It starts all over again next week and it being a holiday weekend this should be fun. Eh, I've done this "put it off until I can't anymore" shift of gears before. Its perfectly normal since I am the Queen of Procrastination and last minute school work is the norm for me. What else do I procrastinate? Whatever I can!

Seeing my son this evening was much needed. I hadn't seen him in over a week and was missing him quite a bit. We only spent an hour together but I was happy to see he's happy. Really, truly happy. His smile was natural and laughter came easy. He's getting along well with the support of new friends. Learning independence and how to take care of himself. I'm proud of him and so pleased to see he's happy. The journey he's on is tough and will be a long one. But I am confident he will persevere.

Oh, have I mentioned lately how incredible-amazing-wonderful-handsome my darling Huckleberry is? Yeah. He is the BESTESTEST in the history of ever. Its quite magnificent how the butterflies still attack me just from his smile. And his kiss? Wow! Everything goes haywire! I have to admit. Even the littlest things he does for me mean so much. Making the bed or helping me make the bed, the little mementos that pop up now an again, holding the door open...the little things are all the difference. I carry these treasured moments with me always.

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