Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Home. Sweet. Home.

I arrived home from the windy city very late and very tired. I was exhausted and couldn't wait to see my puppy girls. As I arrived at home and began the trudge to my door I imagined the happy wagging tails and the general hello excitement only dog owners understand.  I turn the key in the lock and the sweetest faces panting with enthusiastic joy of my return greeted me.  Anyone that says diamonds are a girls best friend never knew the warm fuzzy feeling the unconditional love of a dog brings.  Or dogs in my case.

As soon as I walked in the door my first thought was, "Why the fuck is it so hot in here?" Then that thought was followed up with actually asking that question out loud. I was puzzled...did I turn up the AC before I left? No. Maybe my dog sitter thought she'd help me out and did it for me. No. Why would she do that? She'd take a bullet for one of my girls...why on earth would she make it so warm knowing they'd be inside in the stagnant warm air? My initial thoughts kept moving away from the obvious problem. The AC is broken. It was late and there was nothing I could do but to suffer through the discomfort of sleeping in the heat. It was 88 degrees upstairs. I opened the windows, turned on the fans, and took a cool shower washing my hair. Wet hair was always my remedy as a kid to help me stay cool enough to fall asleep.  It helped but I think I got four solid hours of sleep. I woke up sweating and continued to sweat until the AC was finally fixed last night. 

I slept like a rock. It was cool enough to fall asleep last night but not cool enough to get under the covers. I turned out the lights and I got comfy on top of my bedspread after the ritual goodnight "I love you" to my Huck and finally drifted off to sleep. Sweet splendid sleep. I knew I had dreams. Don't remember them all too much but they were active. I woke to my alarm, sorta. I heard it. Then I ignored it. I finally decided it was time to turn over and realized I wasn't alone in the bed. And I was rolled up like a burrito in the comforter. I'm not normally a deep sleeper so sounds and movement wake me up enough to make me aware. My Sunshine was curled up behind my knees and I never knew she hopped in the bed. I must have gotten cold and pulled the comforter over me but I remember none of this. She must have gotten cold enough to be a normal dog and snuggle with her mistress instead of stand over me and pant her hot breath in my face. 

Oh, yeah. Stepping on one of these barefoot sucks. 

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