Friday, August 8, 2014

Hooked on a feeling...that tonight's gonna be a good night...

I left work and ran home to feed and walk my furbabies. I just love how excited they are to see me after I've been gone all day. Well, Annie is excited to see me because I've been gone for an equivalent of three days in dog time. Sunshine is happy to see me because it means she gets to eat finally after starving the equivalent of three days in dog time. She can hardly contain the exasperation and contempt of my trying to say hello with affection. Like a teenager, she rolls her eyes and whines "Mooooommmmm! I'm Huuuuuunnnnnggggrrryyyy!" At least Annie lets me say hello to her before running for her food dish. The haste of getting home and taking care of the girls was due to a sudden urge to shop. I had a desperate need to go to Bath and Body Works. I dunno, I ran out of my regular shower gel and I needed a new poof. Fifty bucks later I was spent.

Since I've been craving chocolate cake I stopped at Publix before coming home. Publix bakery usually has a variety of cake slices out.  I needed laundry detergent and toilet paper too so figured I'd knock it out after a little fun retail therapy. After leaving the "mall," if you want to call it that, I swung around to the Publix right next door. This is not my normal Publix. The last time I was in this location I almost lost my brand new cell phone in the liquor store and Huck lost track of me and couldn't understand why I wasn't responding. I walk right to the bakery to locate the coveted slice of chocolate cake. There wasn't a single slice on the table. Not a single slice of cake. There were cookies and pastries other sweets but not the damn chocolate cake! What do I do? I leave the buggy in the middle of the aisle and high tail it out. Shoot. I'm no dummy...I'm  heading to the Publix location I normally shop.

The parking lot at my local Publix is hairy. There are people pulling in and backing out and not paying attention to their surroundings. I fear for my safety every time! Anywho I park and walk in, grab a buggy, and head straight for the bakery. There is a table loaded with slices of cake. Red Velvet, Carrot, butter-cream frosted vanilla, Dennis the Menace cake...but no effing chocolate fudge! WTF?! Oh! Brilliant thought! Maybe they have one of those fancy cupcakes! I walk to the counter and look at the offering and I am not pleased. I don't want the whole cake-just one effing slice! The bakery lady sees I'm in distress and comes over to help. I immediately go into my rant of looking forward to a slice of chocolate cake, all I wanted was a slice of chocolate cake. There are no slices on the table and what are my chances of getting just a slice of chocolate cake? She asked me what kind of icing and I tell her fudge. This sweet lady then asks me to step in and take a peek. There were shelves of cake slices in the back freezer! She pointed to the chocolate fudge slices and said, "take your pick sweetie." Music to my ears! I got chocolate cake!!! Score!

Here's an observation. I like ice cream. That isn't the observation. The way I like to eat my ice cream is when it's soft and a little melty is the observation. I think this is why I like Dairy Queen so much. I love soft serve ice cream because it is the perfect texture for me immediately. I buy ice cream at Publix and it's hard in the container. I don't pull the ice cream container out of the freezer when I want it. I pull it out of the freezer 20 minutes before. Why? So it's melty. And don't you dare judge me for eating ice cream out of the container! It's the only way to do it! This way the melty ice cream is on the edges and I can scoop it starting on the outside and moving in as it melts more to the center. I know. It's kind of weird. Never said I was normal. The funny thing is Huck likes his ice cream kinda melty too. And he likes Dairy Queen! I have no idea why I'm so tickled by that but it makes me smile!

Aaaaaannnnddd I'm outtie! G'night!

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