Thursday, August 14, 2014

The wall has been breached....

I am a Gemini woman.

The astrologists all say there are two women in me. Characteristically versatile in attitude and conversation a Gemini woman can be proper and well spoken one moment then wildly unpredictable and sarcastic the next. I am not sure about that because the characteristics I exhibit are likened to other signs on the zodiac. We all have moods. There isn't anything unique to changing my mind in the blink of an eye. Others do that too. This is not a trait reserved for the Gemini. I'm a bit disturbed by the proper and well spoken thing but I'll go with it.

The experts say I'm chatty. Here's the thing. I like to talk, sure, but I only want to talk when I have something to talk about. Otherwise I'm an observer. I like to watch and listen to others engage in conversation and don't feel the least bit left out. I absorb the information I hear and engage myself by asking questions to gather data. I don't usually form an opinion right away. Nor do I debate. I actively listen until I'm bored then my mind moves on to other topics. That's kinda rude I know but its what I do. For the people who like to hash and rehash the same thing over and bores me. I need stimulation!

This may come as a shock to some of you, I'm also quite shy. I do not like to be put in the spot light. I don't care to be called out, or on. If you want me to engage in your conversation that I am happily observing you will need to invite me in directly and pointedly. I'm also more comfortable in small groups. I'm great on a double date, a small family gathering, or out with my best girls. Add too many people and I'm overwhelmed. I clam up and try to blend in with the surroundings to avoid direct contact.

The most accurate characteristic that is me to a tee is the Gemini woman in love. A Gemini woman will keep searching for the perfect man, a man perfect for her even if she is otherwise occupied with another. We test the waters too often and rarely dive in. We do fall in love frequently but rarely is it true, real lasting love. We are incredibly romantic and have very romantic old fashioned ideals of love. I require a great deal of affection and I have a desperate need to give it.

The right man will stimulate me with witty conversation and a romantic heart. He will spoil me with attention, affection, and love. He will match my effort. He will sweep me off my feet with his wit and humor. He will be able to awaken the the deepest most hidden love in my heart and will prove worthy to receive it. He will be the one man that can move past the walls I use to guard my heart. I thought I found this dude a few times over. There was always a catch. I always suspected, expected, and experienced the temporary nature of my heart...that is until now.

Y'all? I found him. I found my perfect match. Or he found me. I'm not sure. He claims he was minding his own business and I used Jedi mind tricks on him. I was not expecting anything other than fun and occasional company from this fella. The next thing I know its somewhere around 9 or 10 months later and I'm consumed. And it's not the type of all consuming that makes me want to be in his presence every waking moment like a level five stalker. Its not the Rose and Charlie thing. That type of consumed never lasts. No trips to Paris anytime soon though. In truth, I find I need room to grow in love and I get plenty of room. Its like he knew this and understood. I didn't have to explain it, he just got it. I fall in love with this man more and more as each day passes. Damn man. I want nothing more than to be with this man the rest of my life. Where the hec did that come from? Oh, and Sugar? We haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg yet.

Please stop checking your pulse. LOL! But you know, you ain't goin' nowhere.

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