Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Holy crap it tastes like...

My morning routine is mundane. It entails all the wonderful trappings of typical girl frenzy when she decides hitting the snooze button a third time is a great idea. I decided to spend the extra thirty minutes sleeping this morning instead of on my appearance. Like most mornings, this morning I readied myself for work in typical hurried fashion while listening to my Sunshine (aka Fluffy Butt, Shuh-poo-poo, and No No) talk to me with barks, howls, and growls. Annie (aka Annie Pants, Stinky Wad, and Dammit Stop Scratching) stands idly by watching me and pestering Sunshine with nose nudges, batting paws, and playful grunts. I race through the bathroom-shower-hair-makeup-clothes ritual with breakneck speed chatting to the girls all the while. I don't think they understand my reassuring coos of "almost ready" but I still try everyday.

Let me explain to you how brilliant my dogs are. As soon as they hear me unplug my hot iron and see me emerge from the bathroom they get nuts! They know what's coming. FOOD! They run down the stairs fur flying and round the corner each running into the wall. On this wall I have a Bath & Body Works plug-in. Some kind of tropical floral scent. Most mornings during this part of our routine one of the girls knocks the plug-in out of the socket. No big deal. It flies across the floor, I pick it up, and plug it back in. Today was a bit different. Today the glass scent bulb broke when it hit the floor. Shattered glass and scented oil sprayed all over the passage way to the kitchen. Nice.

I panicked for a second. I was not prepared for a trip to the vet with cut paws nor did I want to cut my own feet. Thankfully my dog walking shoes are by the stairs. I chased the girls back to the dining room where I fed them. Dumped their morning portion of kibble into their bowls and started my coffee maker. By the way...this past coffee selection I made pales in comparison to the selection made for me before by my Huckleberry (hint-hint). I'm telling you. This handsome hunk of man doesn't drink coffee and picked the best grounds ever. It's a talent designed to spoil me is what it is. Anywho, I grabbed some paper towels and the broom then proceeded to clean up. I picked the broken plug-in up and set it on the kitchen counter. In just a minute or two everything is swept up, cleaned up, and disposed of. I take the dogs out for their morning constitutional and the rest of the morning goes according to plan. 

After a hellish day of calls and incomprehensible chats at work I come home to repeat the second half of my morning routine. Feed the dogs and take them on their evening constitutional. Treats and fresh water and everyone is happy. I fix myself some pasta with pesto and romano cheese and begin the evening wind down. I noticed I left the broken plug-in on the counter and finally throw it out while I was cooking. Dinner is done and now I'm thirsty. I bring my sippy cup down with me and set the lid on the counter. Cut some fresh lemon and fix a cup of iced water. Back up the stairs and in front of the TV now to sit and relax then take a swig of my water. 


I'm just guessing here but I think there was a little of the scented oil left on the counter from the broken dagum plug-in and I set the lid in it. Blech! Ugh! Yuck! It was the most horrible tasting thing to ever touch my tongue. EVER! Even worse than liver. I immediately stood up and not sure of what to do I hold my mouth open and kind of spun around in a circle wagging my tongue trying to figure out what to do. I finally sped off to the bathroom and began wiping my tongue off on my bath towel. Nope. Not gone. I start rinsing my mouth out with fresh water. OMG it made the taste expand! Shit-shit-shit! Ok...gargle with Listerine. Finally! The taste dissipated and I was able to close my mouth and not taste the horrid tropical air freshener anymore. And this is how I began my evening. 

As always,

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