Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Well, what DO you call it?

Every moment I spend with my Huckleberry I learn something new that friggin' parallels our universe. Either here and now or from our childhood. Its just amazing how alike our lives were before "us." The similarities come up more and more often and there are so many of them I can't keep track anymore! Seriously...we were talking today and something came up that prompted a conversation about us "doing this before" somewhere along the line. This brings me to what all of this is called. Or what others call it. People talk about meeting their soul mates, kindred spirits, or soul twins...whatever you call it...

It's unmistakable is what it is.

Edgar Cayce and his son Hugh believe our soul mate is a reincarnation of someone we were bonded to in a past life. Their theory always involves lovers of some form. Each life we return to find this person as a means to achieve enlightenment and love in it's purest form. We had this bond previously and developed spiritually together and now find each other in this life because there is an innate mutual dependency and need. Ok, I buy it.

Carl Jung's theory is a little different. He talks about a collective unconsciousness that brings episodes of deja vu, love at first sight, and soul mate reunions. He thinks we inherit memories and psychic abilities from the experiences we have from past lives. These memories are born with us and when we meet our other person these memories come out in snippets. Is that what's going on? Are we remembering things from our past lives and projecting them to life with the one we are connected to now? I can see how this theory may work too.

My favorite theory is of divided souls. In the Symposium by Plato, there is abstract discussion about love and it's life implications. The philosopher, Aristophanes, describes the omnipotent powers of love and it's Godly origins. Zeus attempts to humble mankind by cutting us in half (this means our souls too, gang) to make us weaker. This cutting creates a wild hunger to unite with our missing half which explains human desire to find a soul mate. The motivation of love explains this physical and emotional need to be whole again, to find our other half. This is a very romantic explanation of why I'm so drawn to my Huckleberry.

How many people do you know which you can share so many similar or exact experiences that you shake your head and think, "what the fuck?" On the same parallel we ate fish stew as kids (this isn't what hit us today but it's still a good example). Huckleberry's was made of catfish and mine was made of fish heads. Both are served over rice. Though he hates his and I like mine, this can't be normal! Can it? The idea of fish stew is so far out there...it's not a normal dish parents will make for their off spring. Is it?

I've always felt the notion of a soul mate was just love sick talk. Its the same I feel about love at first sight. I'm not a love skeptic, never have been, but I never bought the idea we each have one true half that completes us. Probably because I never felt it. Well, until now. Oh how my mind, and heart, have changed. I need him because I love him. I can't imagine this life or future lives with out him. He's my heart. Truly.

As always,

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