Monday, April 7, 2014

So I'm in the mood to write. Just to write. I read an article today about modern dating. Yeah, I agree that things have changed. When I was twenty years younger it wasn't as easy to approach people. We had to actually walk up to a complete handsome stranger and speak to them. Or you could sit and wait for him to approach you. Ugh! The anxiety of impending rejection made me nauseous and want to flee from the scene to stick my head in the sand until the uneasiness passed.

Now we use text, email, Facebook, or whatever method of modern communication to say what we need to say. Phone calls are left for business or checking in with Mom. For example, conversations with my son are primarily by text. It's quick and simple and it's what all the kids his age are doing. Yeah we occasionally spend time together but our daily activities rarely put us at home at the same time at a reasonable hour. So we text to communicate what we need. I personally am not opposed to texting. Its about being available to your loved ones any time of the day or night and not having to pause your show or put down your book but for only a few seconds to respond. Is it too cold and inhuman? Not to me. I find text to be a vehicle for later appropriate conversation when in the company of your love. I do not text anything I can't say in person.  

The whole idea of communication leads me to thoughts of relationships. All relationships require work - or maintenance. What you put in to a relationship is what you get out. It's where my need for matched effort takes root. A real, true relationship isn't going to be about games. Games like purposely waiting an inordinate amount of time to respond to a text, acting aloof, or just not being honest about what you want. After reading the article I was appalled. It was so true on so many levels and I began to thank my lucky stars that none of it applied to me...well except the texting part - no games, just that I'm a texting addict.  LOL! But that is me and its perpetuated by a very darling Huckleberry because he adores me :)

So back to this matched effort and maintenance thing. Some relationships seem very hard to maintain. You see these couples all the time. They are strained and no one is smiling. There are scowls and frowns and someone always looks mad.  She's nagging and he's looking for a way to escape the verbal onslaught. Attitudes need serious adjusting. Makes you wonder how their other half deals with them every night.

Now I'm going to gloat.

With Huckleberry, I've yet to find the work in our relationship. It's like we ironed out all the wrinkles in another lifetime. Yeah we are still learning about each other but no one is screaming, "Run Forrest! Run!" There are so many similarities between us and so few differences you'd think we were separated at birth. That thought kinda creeps us out however unlikely but always forces us to continue to ponder the thought we've done this before. It's so easy being with Huckleberry, so innate and this is why I don't feel like I'm "working." I do things born of joy and a true need to bring happiness to him. If I can make him smile then my day is complete. And it isn't work. At least it doesn't feel that way to me. This, whatever this is, is what I'm here to experience and have. Every choice I've made in my life has brought me here. There is nothing in my life I would go back and undo because the consequence is not something I'm willing to consider.

Huckleberry loves me and this makes me the luckiest girl in the universe!

As always,

Here's the article:

1 comment:

  1. Did you know gloat is goat with an 'L'? Anyway....
    Huckleberry is as lucky...if not luckier...than you!

